Source code for hippylib.forward_uq.taylorApproximationQoi

# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The University of Texas at Austin 
# & University of California, Merced.
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020, The University of Texas at Austin 
# University of California--Merced, Washington University in St. Louis.
# All Rights reserved.
# See file COPYRIGHT for details.
# This file is part of the hIPPYlib library. For more information and source code
# availability see
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# terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by the Free
# Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.

import numpy as np
from ..modeling.variables import STATE, PARAMETER, ADJOINT
from ..algorithms.randomizedEigensolver import doublePassG

[docs]class TaylorApproximationQoi: """ This class computes the first and second order Taylor approximation of the parameter-to-qoi map. It provides methods to evaluate the Taylor approximation for a specific realization of the parameter and to analytically compute Expectation and Variance of the Taylor approximation with respect to a Gaussian propability distribution. """ def __init__(self, p2qoimap, distribution): """ Constructor: - :code:`p2qoimap` - an object of type :code:`ReducedQOI` that describes the parameter-to-qoi map - :code:`distribution` - an object of type :code:`hIPPYlib._Prior` that describes the prior Gaussian distribution. """ self.p2qoimap = p2qoimap self.distribution = distribution self.x_bar = self.p2qoimap.generate_vector() self.x_bar[PARAMETER].axpy(1., distribution.mean) if hasattr(self.p2qoimap.problem, "initial_guess"): self.x_bar[STATE].axpy(1., self.p2qoimap.problem.initial_guess) self.q_bar = 0. self.g_bar = self.p2qoimap.generate_vector(PARAMETER) self.d = None self.U = None self.H = None
[docs] def computeLowRankFactorization(self, Omega): """ Compute the LowRank Factorization of the prior-preconditioned Hessian of the parameter-to-qoi map. The trace of the the prior-preconditioned Hessian is also computed as a post-process of the LowRank factorization. This method needs to be called before trying to compute the moments of the the quadratic Taylor approx of the parameter-to-qoi map. Inputs: - :code:`Omega` - Gaussian random matrix for randomized method - :code:`k` - the number of eigenpairs to be retained in the LowRank factorization of the prior-preconditioned Hessian. """ self.p2qoimap.solveFwd(self.x_bar[STATE], self.x_bar) self.p2qoimap.solveAdj(self.x_bar[ADJOINT], self.x_bar) self.q_bar = self.p2qoimap.eval(self.x_bar) self.p2qoimap.evalGradientParameter(self.x_bar, self.g_bar) self.H = self.p2qoimap.hessian(x=self.x_bar) if hasattr(self.distribution, "R"): self.d, self.U = doublePassG(self.H, self.distribution.R, self.distribution.Rsolver, Omega, Omega.nvec()) else: self.d, self.U = doublePassG(self.H, self.distribution.Hlr, self.distribution.Hlr, Omega, Omega.nvec())
[docs] def expectedValue(self, order=2): """ Returns the expected value (computed analytically) of the qoi with respect to a Gaussian distribution for the parameter. Input: - :code:`order` - is the order of the Taylor approximation, currently 1 (linear) or 2 (quadratic) """ if order == 1: correction = 0. elif order == 2: correction = .5*np.sum(self.d) else: raise return self.q_bar + correction
[docs] def variance(self, order=2): """ Returns the variance (computed analytically) of the qoi with respect to a Gaussian distribution for the parameter. Input: - :code:`order` - is the order of the Taylor approximation, currently 1 (linear) or 2 (quadratic) """ Rinv_g = self.p2qoimap.generate_vector(PARAMETER) if hasattr(self.distribution, "R"): self.distribution.Rsolver.solve(Rinv_g, self.g_bar) else: self.distribution.Hlr.solve(Rinv_g, self.g_bar) lin_var = Rinv_g.inner(self.g_bar) if order == 1: correction = 0. elif order == 2: correction =.5*np.sum(np.power(self.d,2)) else: raise return lin_var + correction
[docs] def eval(self, m, order=2): """ Evaluates the Taylor approx of the qoi for a given realization of the parameter. Input: - :code:`m` - a specific realization of the uncertain parameter - :code:`order` - is the order of the Taylor approximation, currently 1 (linear) or 2 (quadratic) """ dm = m - self.x_bar[PARAMETER] if order == 1: correction = 0. elif order == 2: correction = .5*self.H.inner(dm,dm) else: raise return self.q_bar + self.g_bar.inner(dm) + correction
[docs]def plotEigenvalues(d): """ Plots the eigenvalues d in a semilogy scale. Positive eigenvalues are marked in blue, negative eigenvalues are marked in red. """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except: print( "Matplotlib is not installed.") return d_abs = np.abs(d) index = np.argsort(d_abs)[::-1] inv_index = np.zeros(index.shape, dtype=index.dtype) inv_index[index] = np.arange(index.shape[0]) plt.figure() plt.semilogy(inv_index[d>0], d_abs[d>0], '*b', label="positive" ) plt.semilogy(inv_index[d<0], d_abs[d<0], '*r', label="negative" ) plt.legend() plt.xlabel("eigenvalues index") plt.ylabel("abs(eigenvalues)")