hippylib.forward_uq package


hippylib.forward_uq.qoi module

class hippylib.forward_uq.qoi.Qoi[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class to model the Quantity of Interest. In the following x will denote the variable [u, m, p], denoting respectively the state u, the parameter m, and the adjoint variable p.

The methods in the class QOI will usually access the state u and possibly the parameter m.

apply_ij(i, j, dir, out)[source]

Apply the second variation \(\delta_{ij}\) (i,j = STATE,PARAMETER) of the cost in direction dir.


Given x evaluate the cost functional. Only the state u and (possibly) the parameter m are accessed.

grad(i, x, g)[source]

Evaluate the gradient with respect to the state. Only the state u and (possibly) the parameter m are accessed.

hippylib.forward_uq.qoi.qoiVerify(qoi, x, generate_state, h=None, plotting=True)[source]
hippylib.forward_uq.qoi.qoiVerifyPlotErrors(eps, err_grad, err_H)[source]

hippylib.forward_uq.parameter2QoiMap module

class hippylib.forward_uq.parameter2QoiMap.Parameter2QoiHessian(p2qoimap)[source]

Bases: object

This class implements matrix free application of the reduced hessian operator.

The constructor takes the following parameters:
  • p2qoimap - the object that describes the parameter-to-qoi map

Construct the Hessian Operator of the parameter-to-qoi map

init_vector(x, dim)[source]

Reshape the Vector x so that it is compatible with the reduced Hessian operator.


  • x - the vector to reshape
  • dim - if 0 then x will be reshaped to be compatible with the range of the reduced Hessian, if 1 then x will be reshaped to be compatible with the domain of the reduced Hessian


Since the reduced Hessian is a self adjoint operator, the range and the domain is the same. Either way, we chose to add the parameter dim for consistency with the interface of dolfin.Matrix.

inner(x, y)[source]

Perform the inner product between x and y in the norm induced by the Hessian \(H\), i.e. \((x, y)_H = x^T H y\)

mult(x, y)[source]

Apply the Hessian of the parameter-to-qoi map to the vector x Return the result in y.

class hippylib.forward_uq.parameter2QoiMap.Parameter2QoiMap(problem, qoi)[source]

Bases: object

Create a parameter-to-qoi map given:

  • problem - the description of the forward/adjoint problem and all the sensitivities
  • qoi - the quantity of interest as a function of the state and parameter
applyC(dm, out)[source]

Apply the \(C\) block of the Hessian to a (incremental) parameter variable. out = \(C dm\)


  • dm the (incremental) parameter variable
  • out the action of the \(C\) block on :code:dm


this routine assumes that out has the correct shape.

applyCt(dp, out)[source]

Apply the transpose of the \(C\) block of the Hessian to a (incremental) adjoint variable. out = \(C^T dp\)


  • dp the (incremental) adjoint variable
  • out the action of the \(C^T\) block on dp


this routine assumes that out has the correct shape.

applyWmm(dm, out)[source]

Apply the \(W_{mm}\) block of the Hessian to a (incremental) parameter variable. out = \(W_{mm} dm\)


  • dm the (incremental) parameter variable
  • out the action of \(W_{mm}\) on dm


this routine assumes that out has the correct shape.

applyWmu(du, out)[source]

Apply the \(W_{mu}\) block of the Hessian to a (incremental) state variable. out = \(W_{mu} du\)


  • du the (incremental) state variable
  • out the action of the \(W_{mu}\) block on du


this routine assumes that out has the correct shape.

applyWum(dm, out)[source]

Apply the \(W_{um}\) block of the Hessian to a (incremental) parameter variable. out = \(W_{um} dm\)


  • dm the (incremental) parameter variable
  • out the action of the \(W_{um}\) block on du


this routine assumes that out has the correct shape.

applyWuu(du, out)[source]

Apply the \(Wuu\) block of the Hessian to a (incremental) state variable. out = \(W_{uu} du\)


  • du the (incremental) state variable
  • out the action of the \(W_{uu}\) block on du


this routine assumes that out has the correct shape.


Given the list x = [u, m, p] which describes the state, parameter, and adjoint variable compute the QOI.


p is not needed to compute the QOI

evalGradientParameter(x, mg)[source]

Evaluate the gradient for the variational parameter equation at the point x=[u, m, p].


  • x = [u, m, p] the point at which to evaluate the gradient.
  • mg the variational gradient \((g, mtest)\) being mtest a test function in the parameter space (Output parameter)

By default, return the list [u, m, p] where:

  • u is any object that describes the state variable
  • m is a dolfin.Vector object that describes the parameter variable. (Need to support linear algebra operations)
  • p is any object that describes the adjoint variable

If component == STATE return only u

If component == PARAMETER return only m

If component == ADJOINT return only p

hessian(m=None, x=None)[source]

Evaluate the Hessian of parameter-to-qoi map.

If a relization of the parameter m is given, this function will automatically compute the state u and adjoint p.

As an alternative one can provide directly x = [u, m, p]

Returns an object of type ReducedHessianQOI which provides the Hessian-apply functionality


Reshape m so that it is compatible with the parameter variable


Evaluate the parameter-to-qoi map at a given realization m


This evaluation requires the solution of a forward solve

reduced_gradient(m, g)[source]

Evaluate the gradient of parameter-to-qoi map at a given realization m


This evaluation requires the solution of a forward and adjoint solve


Specify the point x = [u, m, p] at which the Hessian operator needs to be evaluated.


  • x = [u, m, p]: the point at which the Hessian needs to be evaluated.
solveAdj(out, x)[source]

Solve the linear adjoint problem.


  • out - is the solution of the adjoint problem (i.e. the adjoint p) (Output parameter)

  • x = [u, m, p] provides

    1. the parameter variable m for assembling the adjoint operator
    2. the state variable u for assembling the adjoint right hand side


    p is not accessed

solveAdjIncremental(sol, rhs)[source]

Solve the incremental adjoint problem for a given rhs


  • sol the solution of the incremental adjoint problem (Output)
  • rhs the right hand side of the linear system
solveFwd(out, x)[source]

Solve the (possibly non-linear) forward problem.


  • out - is the solution of the forward problem (i.e. the state) (Output parameters)

  • x = [u, m, p] provides

    1. the parameter variable m for the solution of the forward problem
    2. the initial guess u if the forward problem is non-linear


    p is not accessed

solveFwdIncremental(sol, rhs)[source]

Solve the linearized (incremental) forward problem for a given rhs


  • sol the solution of the linearized forward problem (Output)
  • rhs the right hand side of the linear system
hippylib.forward_uq.parameter2QoiMap.parameter2QoiMapVerify(rQOI, m0, h=None, eps=None, plotting=True, verbose=True)[source]

Verify the gradient and the Hessian of a parameter-to-qoi map. It will produce two loglog plots of the finite difference checks for the gradient and for the Hessian. It will also check for symmetry of the Hessian.

hippylib.forward_uq.parameter2QoiMap.parameter2QoiMapVerifyPlotErrors(eps, err_grad, err_H)[source]

hippylib.forward_uq.taylorApproximationQoi module

class hippylib.forward_uq.taylorApproximationQoi.TaylorApproximationQoi(p2qoimap, distribution)[source]

Bases: object

This class computes the first and second order Taylor approximation of the parameter-to-qoi map. It provides methods to evaluate the Taylor approximation for a specific realization of the parameter and to analytically compute Expectation and Variance of the Taylor approximation with respect to a Gaussian propability distribution.


  • p2qoimap - an object of type ReducedQOI that describes the parameter-to-qoi map
  • distribution - an object of type hIPPYlib._Prior that describes the prior Gaussian distribution.

Compute the LowRank Factorization of the prior-preconditioned Hessian of the parameter-to-qoi map.

The trace of the the prior-preconditioned Hessian is also computed as a post-process of the LowRank factorization.

This method needs to be called before trying to compute the moments of the the quadratic Taylor approx of the parameter-to-qoi map.


  • Omega - Gaussian random matrix for randomized method
  • k - the number of eigenpairs to be retained in the LowRank factorization of the prior-preconditioned Hessian.
eval(m, order=2)[source]

Evaluates the Taylor approx of the qoi for a given realization of the parameter.


  • m - a specific realization of the uncertain parameter
  • order - is the order of the Taylor approximation, currently 1 (linear) or 2 (quadratic)

Returns the expected value (computed analytically) of the qoi with respect to a Gaussian distribution for the parameter.


  • order - is the order of the Taylor approximation, currently 1 (linear) or 2 (quadratic)

Returns the variance (computed analytically) of the qoi with respect to a Gaussian distribution for the parameter.


  • order - is the order of the Taylor approximation, currently 1 (linear) or 2 (quadratic)

Plots the eigenvalues d in a semilogy scale. Positive eigenvalues are marked in blue, negative eigenvalues are marked in red.

hippylib.forward_uq.varianceReductionMC module

hippylib.forward_uq.varianceReductionMC.varianceReductionMC(prior, rqoi, taylor_qoi, nsamples, filename='realizations.txt')[source]

This function computes Monte Carlo Estimates for forward propagation of uncertainty. The uncertain parameter satisfies a Gaussian distribution with known mean and covariance (describes as the inverse of a differential operator). Convergence of the Monte Carlo estimates is accelerated using a variance reduction techinque based on a Taylor approximation of the parameter-to-qoi map.


  • prior - an object of type :code:hIPPYlib._Prior` that allows to generate samples from the prior distribution
  • rqoi - an object of type ReducedQOI that describes the parameter-to-qoi map
  • taylor_qoi - an object of type TaylorApproximationQOI that computes the first and second order Taylor approximation of the qoi
  • nsamples - an integer representing the number of samples for the MC estimates
  • filename - a string containing the name of the file where the computed qoi and its Taylor approximations (for each realization of the parameter) are saved


  • Sample mean of the quantity of interest q, its Taylor approx q1 and q2, and corrections y1=q-q1 and y2=q-q2.
  • MSE (Mean square error) of the standard MC, and the variance reduced MC using q1 and q2.


The variate control MC estimator can be computed off-line by postprocessing the file containing the values of the computed qoi and Taylor approximations.

Module contents