Source code for hippylib.modeling.model

# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The University of Texas at Austin 
# & University of California--Merced.
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020, The University of Texas at Austin 
# University of California--Merced, Washington University in St. Louis.
# All Rights reserved.
# See file COPYRIGHT for details.
# This file is part of the hIPPYlib library. For more information and source code
# availability see
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# terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by the Free
# Software Foundation) version 2.0 dated June 1991.

import dolfin as dl
import math
from .variables import STATE, PARAMETER, ADJOINT

[docs]class Model: """ This class contains the full description of the inverse problem. As inputs it takes a :code:`PDEProblem object`, a :code:`Prior` object, and a :code:`Misfit` object. In the following we will denote with - :code:`u` the state variable - :code:`m` the (model) parameter variable - :code:`p` the adjoint variable """ def __init__(self, problem, prior,misfit): """ Create a model given: - problem: the description of the forward/adjoint problem and all the sensitivities - prior: the prior component of the cost functional - misfit: the misfit componenent of the cost functional """ self.problem = problem self.prior = prior self.misfit = misfit self.gauss_newton_approx = False self.n_fwd_solve = 0 self.n_adj_solve = 0 self.n_inc_solve = 0
[docs] def generate_vector(self, component = "ALL"): """ By default, return the list :code:`[u,m,p]` where: - :code:`u` is any object that describes the state variable - :code:`m` is a :code:`dolfin.Vector` object that describes the parameter variable. \ (Needs to support linear algebra operations) - :code:`p` is any object that describes the adjoint variable If :code:`component = STATE` return only :code:`u` If :code:`component = PARAMETER` return only :code:`m` If :code:`component = ADJOINT` return only :code:`p` """ if component == "ALL": x = [self.problem.generate_state(), self.problem.generate_parameter(), self.problem.generate_state()] elif component == STATE: x = self.problem.generate_state() elif component == PARAMETER: x = self.problem.generate_parameter() elif component == ADJOINT: x = self.problem.generate_state() return x
[docs] def init_parameter(self, m): """ Reshape :code:`m` so that it is compatible with the parameter variable """ self.prior.init_vector(m,0)
[docs] def cost(self, x): """ Given the list :code:`x = [u,m,p]` which describes the state, parameter, and adjoint variable compute the cost functional as the sum of the misfit functional and the regularization functional. Return the list [cost functional, regularization functional, misfit functional] .. note:: :code:`p` is not needed to compute the cost functional """ misfit_cost = self.misfit.cost(x) reg_cost = self.prior.cost(x[PARAMETER]) return [misfit_cost+reg_cost, reg_cost, misfit_cost]
[docs] def solveFwd(self, out, x): """ Solve the (possibly non-linear) forward problem. Parameters: - :code:`out`: is the solution of the forward problem (i.e. the state) (Output parameters) - :code:`x = [u,m,p]` provides 1) the parameter variable :code:`m` for the solution of the forward problem 2) the initial guess :code:`u` if the forward problem is non-linear .. note:: :code:`p` is not accessed. """ self.n_fwd_solve = self.n_fwd_solve + 1 self.problem.solveFwd(out, x)
[docs] def solveAdj(self, out, x): """ Solve the linear adjoint problem. Parameters: - :code:`out`: is the solution of the adjoint problem (i.e. the adjoint :code:`p`) (Output parameter) - :code:`x = [u, m, p]` provides 1) the parameter variable :code:`m` for assembling the adjoint operator 2) the state variable :code:`u` for assembling the adjoint right hand side .. note:: :code:`p` is not accessed """ self.n_adj_solve = self.n_adj_solve + 1 rhs = self.problem.generate_state() self.misfit.grad(STATE, x, rhs) rhs *= -1. self.problem.solveAdj(out, x, rhs)
[docs] def evalGradientParameter(self,x, mg, misfit_only=False): """ Evaluate the gradient for the variational parameter equation at the point :code:`x=[u,m,p]`. Parameters: - :code:`x = [u,m,p]` the point at which to evaluate the gradient. - :code:`mg` the variational gradient :math:`(g, mtest)`, mtest being a test function in the parameter space \ (Output parameter) Returns the norm of the gradient in the correct inner product :math:`g_norm = sqrt(g,g)` """ tmp = self.generate_vector(PARAMETER) self.problem.evalGradientParameter(x, mg) self.misfit.grad(PARAMETER,x,tmp) mg.axpy(1., tmp) if not misfit_only: self.prior.grad(x[PARAMETER], tmp) mg.axpy(1., tmp) self.prior.Msolver.solve(tmp, mg) #self.prior.Rsolver.solve(tmp, mg) return math.sqrt(mg.inner(tmp))
[docs] def setPointForHessianEvaluations(self, x, gauss_newton_approx=False): """ Specify the point :code:`x = [u,m,p]` at which the Hessian operator (or the Gauss-Newton approximation) needs to be evaluated. Parameters: - :code:`x = [u,m,p]`: the point at which the Hessian or its Gauss-Newton approximation needs to be evaluated. - :code:`gauss_newton_approx (bool)`: whether to use Gauss-Newton approximation (default: use Newton) .. note:: This routine should either: - simply store a copy of x and evaluate action of blocks of the Hessian on the fly - or partially precompute the block of the hessian (if feasible) """ self.gauss_newton_approx = gauss_newton_approx self.problem.setLinearizationPoint(x, self.gauss_newton_approx) self.misfit.setLinearizationPoint(x, self.gauss_newton_approx) if hasattr(self.prior, "setLinearizationPoint"): self.prior.setLinearizationPoint(x[PARAMETER], self.gauss_newton_approx)
[docs] def solveFwdIncremental(self, sol, rhs): """ Solve the linearized (incremental) forward problem for a given right-hand side Parameters: - :code:`sol` the solution of the linearized forward problem (Output) - :code:`rhs` the right hand side of the linear system """ self.n_inc_solve = self.n_inc_solve + 1 self.problem.solveIncremental(sol,rhs, False)
[docs] def solveAdjIncremental(self, sol, rhs): """ Solve the incremental adjoint problem for a given right-hand side Parameters: - :code:`sol` the solution of the incremental adjoint problem (Output) - :code:`rhs` the right hand side of the linear system """ self.n_inc_solve = self.n_inc_solve + 1 self.problem.solveIncremental(sol,rhs, True)
[docs] def applyC(self, dm, out): """ Apply the :math:`C` block of the Hessian to a (incremental) parameter variable, i.e. :code:`out` = :math:`C dm` Parameters: - :code:`dm` the (incremental) parameter variable - :code:`out` the action of the :math:`C` block on :code:`dm` .. note:: This routine assumes that :code:`out` has the correct shape. """ self.problem.apply_ij(ADJOINT,PARAMETER, dm, out)
[docs] def applyCt(self, dp, out): """ Apply the transpose of the :math:`C` block of the Hessian to a (incremental) adjoint variable. :code:`out` = :math:`C^t dp` Parameters: - :code:`dp` the (incremental) adjoint variable - :code:`out` the action of the :math:`C^T` block on :code:`dp` ..note:: This routine assumes that :code:`out` has the correct shape. """ self.problem.apply_ij(PARAMETER,ADJOINT, dp, out)
[docs] def applyWuu(self, du, out): """ Apply the :math:`W_{uu}` block of the Hessian to a (incremental) state variable. :code:`out` = :math:`W_{uu} du` Parameters: - :code:`du` the (incremental) state variable - :code:`out` the action of the :math:`W_{uu}` block on :code:`du` .. note:: This routine assumes that :code:`out` has the correct shape. """ self.misfit.apply_ij(STATE,STATE, du, out) if not self.gauss_newton_approx: tmp = self.generate_vector(STATE) self.problem.apply_ij(STATE,STATE, du, tmp) out.axpy(1., tmp)
[docs] def applyWum(self, dm, out): """ Apply the :math:`W_{um}` block of the Hessian to a (incremental) parameter variable. :code:`out` = :math:`W_{um} dm` Parameters: - :code:`dm` the (incremental) parameter variable - :code:`out` the action of the :math:`W_{um}` block on :code:`du` .. note:: This routine assumes that :code:`out` has the correct shape. """ if self.gauss_newton_approx: else: self.problem.apply_ij(STATE,PARAMETER, dm, out) tmp = self.generate_vector(STATE) self.misfit.apply_ij(STATE,PARAMETER, dm, tmp) out.axpy(1., tmp)
[docs] def applyWmu(self, du, out): """ Apply the :math:`W_{mu}` block of the Hessian to a (incremental) state variable. :code:`out` = :math:`W_{mu} du` Parameters: - :code:`du` the (incremental) state variable - :code:`out` the action of the :math:`W_{mu}` block on :code:`du` .. note:: This routine assumes that :code:`out` has the correct shape. """ if self.gauss_newton_approx: else: self.problem.apply_ij(PARAMETER, STATE, du, out) tmp = self.generate_vector(PARAMETER) self.misfit.apply_ij(PARAMETER, STATE, du, tmp) out.axpy(1., tmp)
[docs] def applyR(self, dm, out): """ Apply the regularization :math:`R` to a (incremental) parameter variable. :code:`out` = :math:`R dm` Parameters: - :code:`dm` the (incremental) parameter variable - :code:`out` the action of :math:`R` on :code:`dm` .. note:: This routine assumes that :code:`out` has the correct shape. """ self.prior.R.mult(dm, out)
[docs] def Rsolver(self): """ Return an object :code:`Rsovler` that is a suitable solver for the regularization operator :math:`R`. The solver object should implement the method :code:`Rsolver.solve(z,r)` such that :math:`Rz \approx r`. """ return self.prior.Rsolver
[docs] def applyWmm(self, dm, out): """ Apply the :math:`W_{mm}` block of the Hessian to a (incremental) parameter variable. :code:`out` = :math:`W_{mm} dm` Parameters: - :code:`dm` the (incremental) parameter variable - :code:`out` the action of the :math:`W_{mm}` on block :code:`dm` .. note:: This routine assumes that :code:`out` has the correct shape. """ if self.gauss_newton_approx: else: self.problem.apply_ij(PARAMETER,PARAMETER, dm, out) tmp = self.generate_vector(PARAMETER) self.misfit.apply_ij(PARAMETER,PARAMETER, dm, tmp) out.axpy(1., tmp)
[docs] def apply_ij(self, i, j, d, out): if i == STATE and j == STATE: self.applyWuu(d,out) elif i == STATE and j == PARAMETER: self.applyWum(d,out) elif i == PARAMETER and j == STATE: self.applyWmu(d, out) elif i == PARAMETER and j == PARAMETER: self.applyWmm(d,out) elif i == PARAMETER and j == ADJOINT: self.applyCt(d,out) elif i == ADJOINT and j == PARAMETER: self.applyC(d,out) else: raise IndexError("apply_ij not allowed for i = {0}, j = {1}".format(i,j))