Source code for hippylib.algorithms.traceEstimator

# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The University of Texas at Austin 
# & University of California--Merced.
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020, The University of Texas at Austin 
# University of California--Merced, Washington University in St. Louis.
# All Rights reserved.
# See file COPYRIGHT for details.
# This file is part of the hIPPYlib library. For more information and source code
# availability see
# hIPPYlib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by the Free
# Software Foundation) version 2.0 dated June 1991.

import dolfin as dl
from ..utils.random import parRandom
import math
from .linalg import Solver2Operator

[docs]def rademacher_engine(v): """ Generate a vector of :math:`n` i.i.d. Rademacher variables. """ parRandom.rademacher(v)
[docs]def gaussian_engine(v): """ Generate a vector of :math:`n` i.i.d. standard normal variables. """ parRandom.normal(1., v)
[docs]class TraceEstimator: """ An unbiased stochastic estimator for the trace of :math:`A,\\, d = \\sum_{j=1}^k (v_j, A v_j)`, where - :math:`v_j` are i.i.d. Rademacher or Gaussian random vectors. - :math:`(\\cdot,\\cdot)` represents the inner product. The number of samples :math:`k` is estimated at run time based on the variance of the estimator. Reference: Haim Avron and Sivan Toledo, Randomized algorithms for estimating the trace of an implicit symmetric positive semi-definite matrix, Journal of the ACM (JACM), 58 (2011), p. 17. """ def __init__(self, A, solve_mode=False, accurancy = 1e-1, init_vector=None, random_engine=rademacher_engine, mpi_comm=dl.MPI.comm_world): """ Constructor: - :code:`A`: an operator - :code:`solve_mode`: if :code:`True` we estimate the trace of :code:`A`:math:`^{-1}`, otherwise of :code:`A`. - code:`accurancy`: we stop when the standard deviation of the estimator is less then :code:`accurancy`*tr(:code:`A`). - :code:`init_vector`: use a custom function to initialize a vector compatible with the range/domain of :code:`A`. - :code:`random_engine`: which type of i.i.d. random variables to use (Rademacher or Gaussian). """ if solve_mode: self.A = Solver2Operator(A) else: self.A = A self.accurancy = accurancy self.random_engine = random_engine self.iter = 0 self.z = dl.Vector(mpi_comm) self.Az = dl.Vector(mpi_comm) if init_vector is None: A.init_vector(self.z, 0) A.init_vector(self.Az, 0) else: init_vector(self.z, 0) init_vector(self.Az, 0) def __call__(self, min_iter=5, max_iter=100): """ Estimate the trace of :code:`A` (or :code:`A`:math:`^-1`) using at least :code:`min_iter` and at most :code:`max_iter` samples. """ sum_tr = 0 sum_tr2 = 0 self.iter = 0 while self.iter < min_iter: self.iter += 1 self.random_engine(self.z) self.A.mult(self.z, self.Az) tr = self.z.inner(self.Az) sum_tr += tr sum_tr2 += tr*tr exp_tr = sum_tr / float(self.iter) exp_tr2 = sum_tr2 / float(self.iter) var_tr = exp_tr2 - exp_tr*exp_tr # print( exp_tr, math.sqrt( var_tr ), self.accurancy*exp_tr) self.converged = True while (math.sqrt( var_tr ) > self.accurancy*exp_tr): self.iter += 1 self.random_engine(self.z) self.A.mult(self.z, self.Az) tr = self.z.inner(self.Az) sum_tr += tr sum_tr2 += tr*tr exp_tr = sum_tr / float(self.iter) exp_tr2 = sum_tr2 / float(self.iter) var_tr = exp_tr2 - exp_tr*exp_tr # print( exp_tr, math.sqrt( var_tr ), self.accurancy*exp_tr) if (self.iter > max_iter): self.converged = False break return exp_tr, var_tr