Source code for hippylib.algorithms.steepestDescent

# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The University of Texas at Austin 
# & University of California--Merced.
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020, The University of Texas at Austin 
# University of California--Merced, Washington University in St. Louis.
# All Rights reserved.
# See file COPYRIGHT for details.
# This file is part of the hIPPYlib library. For more information and source code
# availability see
# hIPPYlib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by the Free
# Software Foundation) version 2.0 dated June 1991.

from ..modeling.variables import STATE, PARAMETER, ADJOINT
from ..utils.parameterList import ParameterList

[docs]def SteepestDescent_ParameterList(): parameters = {} parameters["rel_tolerance"] = [1e-6, "we converge when sqrt(g,g)/sqrt(g_0,g_0) <= rel_tolerance"] parameters["abs_tolerance"] = [1e-12, "we converge when sqrt(g,g) <= abs_tolerance"] parameters["max_iter"] = [500, "maximum number of iterations"] parameters["c_armijo"] = [1e-4, "Armijo constant for sufficient reduction"] parameters["max_backtracking_iter"] = [10, "Maximum number of backtracking iterations"] parameters["print_level"] = [0, "Print info on screen"] parameters["alpha"] = [1., "Initial scaling alpha"] return ParameterList(parameters)
[docs]class SteepestDescent: """ Prior-preconditioned Steepest Descent to solve constrained optimization problems in the reduced parameter space. Globalization is performed using the Armijo sufficient reduction condition (backtracking). The stopping criterion is based on a control on the norm of the gradient. The user must provide a model that describes the forward problem, cost functionals, and all the derivatives for the gradient. More specifically the model object should implement following methods: - :code:`generate_vector()` -> generate the object containing state, parameter, adjoint. - :code:`cost(x)` -> evaluate the cost functional, report regularization part and misfit separately. - :code:`solveFwd(out, x)` -> solve the possibly non linear forward problem. - :code:`solveAdj(out, x)` -> solve the linear adjoint problem. - :code:`evalGradientParameter(x, out)` -> evaluate the gradient of the parameter and compute its norm. - :code:`Rsolver()` --> A solver for the regularization term. Type :code:`help(Model)` for additional information. """ termination_reasons = [ "Maximum number of Iteration reached", #0 "Norm of the gradient less than tolerance", #1 "Maximum number of backtracking reached", #2 ] def __init__(self, model, parameters = SteepestDescent_ParameterList()): """ Initialize the Steepest Descent solver. Type :code:`SteepestDescent_ParameterList().showMe()` for list of default parameters and their descriptions. """ self.model = model self.parameters = parameters = 0 self.converged = False self.ncalls = 0 self.reason = 0 self.final_grad_norm = 0
[docs] def solve(self,x): """ Solve the constrained optimization problem with initial guess :code:`x = [u,a,p]`. Return the solution :code:`[u,a,p]`. .. note:: :code:`x` will be overwritten. """ rel_tol = self.parameters["rel_tolerance"] abs_tol = self.parameters["abs_tolerance"] max_iter = self.parameters["max_iter"] c_armijo = self.parameters["c_armijo"] max_backtracking_iter = self.parameters["max_backtracking_iter"] alpha = self.parameters["alpha"] print_level = self.parameters["print_level"] if x[STATE] is None: x[STATE] = self.model.generate_vector(STATE) if x[ADJOINT] is None: x[ADJOINT] = self.model.generate_vector(ADJOINT) self.model.solveFwd(x[STATE], x) = 0 self.converged = False self.ncalls += 1 mhat = self.model.generate_vector(PARAMETER) mg = self.model.generate_vector(PARAMETER) x_star = [None, None, None] + x[3::] x_star[STATE] = self.model.generate_vector(STATE) x_star[PARAMETER] = self.model.generate_vector(PARAMETER) cost_old, _, _ = self.model.cost(x) while ( < max_iter) and (self.converged == False): self.model.solveAdj(x[ADJOINT], x) gradnorm = self.model.evalGradientParameter(x, mg) if == 0: gradnorm_ini = gradnorm tol = max(abs_tol, gradnorm_ini*rel_tol) # check if solution is reached if (gradnorm < tol) and ( > 0): self.converged = True self.reason = 1 break += 1 self.model.Rsolver().solve(mhat, -mg) alpha *= 2. descent = 0 n_backtrack = 0 mg_mhat = mg.inner(mhat) while descent == 0 and n_backtrack < max_backtracking_iter: # update m and u x_star[PARAMETER].zero() x_star[PARAMETER].axpy(1., x[PARAMETER]) x_star[PARAMETER].axpy(alpha, mhat) x_star[STATE].zero() x_star[STATE].axpy(1., x[STATE]) self.model.solveFwd(x_star[STATE], x_star) cost_new, reg_new, misfit_new = self.model.cost(x_star) # Check if armijo conditions are satisfied if (cost_new < cost_old + alpha * c_armijo * mg_mhat): cost_old = cost_new descent = 1 x[PARAMETER].zero() x[PARAMETER].axpy(1., x_star[PARAMETER]) x[STATE].zero() x[STATE].axpy(1., x_star[STATE]) else: n_backtrack += 1 alpha *= 0.5 if(print_level >= 0) and ( == 1): print( "\n{0:3} {1:15} {2:15} {3:15} {4:15} {5:15}".format( "It", "cost", "misfit", "reg", "||g||L2", "alpha") ) if print_level >= 0: print( "{0:3d} {1:15e} {2:15e} {3:15e} {4:15e} {5:15e}".format(, cost_new, misfit_new, reg_new, gradnorm, alpha) ) if n_backtrack == max_backtracking_iter: self.converged = False self.reason = 2 break self.final_grad_norm = gradnorm self.final_cost = cost_new return x