Source code for hippylib.algorithms.randomizedSVD

# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The University of Texas at Austin 
# & University of California--Merced.
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020, The University of Texas at Austin 
# University of California--Merced, Washington University in St. Louis.
# All Rights reserved.
# See file COPYRIGHT for details.
# This file is part of the hIPPYlib library. For more information and source code
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import dolfin as dl
from .multivector import MultiVector, MatMvMult, MatMvTranspmult, MvDSmatMult
from ..utils import experimental
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import solve_sylvester
Randomized algorithms for the solution of singular value decomposition problem (SVD)


Nathan Halko, Per Gunnar Martinsson, and Joel A. Tropp,
Finding structure with randomness:
Probabilistic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions,
SIAM Review, 53 (2011), pp. 217-288.

Per Gunnar Martinsson
Randomized Methods for Matrix Computations

[docs]def accuracyEnhancedSVD(A,Omega,k,s=1,check=False): """ The accuracy enhanced randomized singular value decomposition from [2]. Inputs: - :code:`A`: the m x n rectangular operator for which we need to estimate the dominant left-right singular vector / value triplets. - :code:`Omega`: a random gassian matrix with :math:`m \\geq k` columns. - :code:`k`: the number of eigenpairs to extract. Outputs: - :code:`U`: the estimate of the :math:`k` dominant left singular vectors of of :math:`A,\\, U^T U = I_k`. - :code:`sigma`: the estimate of the :math:`k` dominant singular values of :math:`A`. - :code:`V`: the estimate of the :math:`k` dominant right singular vectors of :math:`A,\\, V^T V = I_k`. """ # Check compatibility of operator A assert hasattr(A,'transpmult'), 'Operator A must have member function transpmult' nvec = Omega.nvec() assert nvec >= k, 'Omega must have at least k columns' Z = MultiVector(Omega) y_vec = dl.Vector(A.mpi_comm()) A.init_vector(y_vec,0) Y = MultiVector(y_vec,nvec) MatMvMult(A,Omega,Y) # Perform power iteration for the range approximation step for i in range(s): MatMvTranspmult(A,Y,Z) MatMvMult(A, Z, Y) # First orthogonal matrix for left singular vectors # Note: Bringing the orthogonalization inside of the power iteration could improve accuracy Q = MultiVector(Y) Q.orthogonalize() # Form BT = A^TQ (B = Q^TA) and orthogonalize in one step # This becomes the orthogonal matrix for right singular vectors Q_Bt = MultiVector(Omega) MatMvTranspmult(A,Q,Q_Bt) R_Bt = Q_Bt.orthogonalize() V_hat,sigma,U_hat = np.linalg.svd(R_Bt,full_matrices = False) U_hat = U_hat.T # Select the first k columns U_hat = U_hat[:,:k] sigma = sigma[:k] V_hat = V_hat[:,:k] U = MultiVector(y_vec, k) MvDSmatMult(Q, U_hat, U) V = MultiVector(Omega[0],k) MvDSmatMult(Q_Bt, V_hat, V) if check: check_SVD(A,U,sigma,V) return U, sigma, V
[docs]@experimental(name = 'singlePassSVD',version='3.0.0', msg='Accuracy of these computations cannot be guaranteed.') def singlePassSVD(A,Omega_c,Omega_r,k,check=False): """ The single pass randomized singular value decomposition from [2]. Inputs: - :code:`A`: the m x n rectangular operator for which we need to estimate the dominant left-right singular vector / value triplets. - :code:`Omega_c`: an n x (k +p) random gassian matrix with :math:`n \\geq k` columns. - :code:`Omega_r`: an m x (k +p) random gassian matrix with :math:`m \\geq k` columns. - :code:`k`: the number of eigenpairs to extract. Outputs: - :code:`U`: the estimate of the :math:`k` dominant left singular vectors of of :math:`A,\\, U^T U = I_k`. - :code:`sigma`: the estimate of the :math:`k` dominant singular values of :math:`A`. - :code:`V`: the estimate of the :math:`k` dominant right singular vectors of :math:`A,\\, V^T V = I_k`. """ # Check compatibility of operator A assert hasattr(A,'transpmult'), 'Operator A must have member function transpmult' nvec = Omega_c.nvec() assert nvec >= k, 'Omega_c must have at least k columns' assert Omega_r.nvec() == nvec, 'Omega_c and Omega_r must have the same number of columns' Y_c = MultiVector(Omega_r) Y_r = MultiVector(Omega_c) MatMvMult(A,Omega_c,Y_c) MatMvTranspmult(A,Omega_r,Y_r) # Orthogonalize Q_c = MultiVector(Y_c) Q_c.orthogonalize() Q_r = MultiVector(Y_r) Q_r.orthogonalize() # Need to solve the system of equations for C: (Omega_rT Q_c)C = Y_rT Q_r # C(Q_rT Omega_c) = Q_cTY_c Omega_rTQ_c = Q_c.dot_mv(Omega_r) Y_rTQ_r = Q_r.dot_mv(Y_r) Q_rTOmega_c = Omega_c.dot_mv(Q_r) Q_cTY_c = Y_c.dot_mv(Q_c) # Sylvester solution to the least squares problem sylvester_lead = Omega_rTQ_c.T@Omega_rTQ_c sylvester_trail = Q_rTOmega_c@(Q_rTOmega_c.T) sylvester_rhs = ((Omega_rTQ_c.T)@Y_rTQ_r) + (Q_cTY_c@(Q_rTOmega_c.T)) C = solve_sylvester(sylvester_lead,sylvester_trail,sylvester_rhs) sylvester_error = np.linalg.norm(sylvester_lead@C + C@sylvester_trail - sylvester_rhs) assert sylvester_error < 1e-4, 'Issue with sylvester solver' U_hat,sigma,V_hat = np.linalg.svd(C,full_matrices = False) V_hat = V_hat.T # Select the first k columns U_hat = U_hat[:,:k] sigma = sigma[:k] V_hat = V_hat[:,:k] U = MultiVector(Omega_r[0], k) MvDSmatMult(Q_c, U_hat, U) V = MultiVector(Omega_c[0],k) MvDSmatMult(Q_r, V_hat, V) if check: check_SVD(A,U,sigma,V) return U, sigma, V
[docs]def check_SVD(A, U, sigma,V,tol = 1e-1): """ Test the frobenious norm of :math:`U^TU - I_k`. Test the frobenious norm of :math:`(V^TV) - I_k`. Test the :math:`l_2` norm of the residual: :math:`r_1[i] = U[i]^T A V[i] - sigma[i]`. Test the :math:`l_2` norm of the residual: :math:`r_2[i] = V[i]^TA^T U[i] - sigma[i]`. """ assert U.nvec() == V.nvec(), "U and V second dimension need to agree" nvec = U.nvec() AV = MultiVector(U[0], nvec) MatMvMult(A, V, AV) AtU = MultiVector(V[0],nvec) MatMvTranspmult(A,U,AtU) # # Residual checks UtAV = np.diag(AV.dot_mv(U)) r_1 = np.zeros_like(sigma) for i,sigma_i in enumerate(sigma): r_1[i] = np.abs(UtAV[i] - sigma_i) # r_1 = Ut_AV - d VtAtU = np.diag(AtU.dot_mv(V)) # r_2 = VtAtU - d r_2 = np.zeros_like(sigma) for i,sigma_i in enumerate(sigma): r_2[i] = np.abs(VtAtU[i] - sigma_i) # Orthogonality checks check UtU = U.dot_mv(U) err = UtU - np.eye(nvec, dtype=UtU.dtype) err_Uortho = np.linalg.norm(err, 'fro') VtV = U.dot_mv(U) err = VtV - np.eye(nvec, dtype=VtV.dtype) err_Vortho = np.linalg.norm(err, 'fro') mpi_comm = U[0].mpi_comm() rank = dl.MPI.rank(mpi_comm) if rank == 0: print( "|| UtU - I ||_F = ", err_Uortho) print( "|| VtV - I ||_F = ", err_Vortho) print( "|utAv - sigma| < tol ",np.all(r_1 < tol)) print(r_1) print( "|vtAtu - sigma| < tol ",np.all(r_2 < tol)) print(r_2)