Source code for hippylib.algorithms.multivector

# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The University of Texas at Austin 
# & University of California--Merced.
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020, The University of Texas at Austin 
# University of California--Merced, Washington University in St. Louis.
# All Rights reserved.
# See file COPYRIGHT for details.
# This file is part of the hIPPYlib library. For more information and source code
# availability see
# hIPPYlib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by the Free
# Software Foundation) version 2.0 dated June 1991.

import dolfin as dl
from ..utils.vector2function import vector2Function
import numpy as np
import os

abspath = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__) )
source_directory = os.path.join(abspath,"cpp_multivector")
with open(os.path.join(source_directory,"multivector.cpp"), "r") as cpp_file:
    cpp_code    =

include_dirs = [".", source_directory]
cpp_module = dl.compile_cpp_code(cpp_code, include_dirs=include_dirs)

[docs]class MultiVector(cpp_module.MultiVector):
[docs] def dot_v(self, v): return
[docs] def dot_mv(self,mv): shape = (self.nvec(),mv.nvec()) m = return m.reshape(shape, order='C')
[docs] def Borthogonalize(self,B): """ Returns :math:`QR` decomposition of self. :math:`Q` and :math:`R` satisfy the following relations in exact arithmetic .. math:: R \\,= \\,Z, && (1), Q^*BQ\\, = \\, I, && (2), Q^*BZ \\, = \\,R, && (3), ZR^{-1} \\, = \\, Q, && (4). Returns: :code:`Bq` of type :code:`MultiVector` -> :code:`B`:math:`^{-1}`-orthogonal vectors :code:`r` of type :code:`ndarray` -> The :math:`r` of the QR decomposition. .. note:: :code:`self` is overwritten by :math:`Q`. """ return self._mgs_stable(B)
[docs] def orthogonalize(self): """ Returns :math:`QR` decomposition of self. :math:`Q` and :math:`R` satisfy the following relations in exact arithmetic .. math:: QR \\, = \\, Z, && (1), Q^*Q \\, = \\, I, && (2), Q^*Z \\, = \\, R, && (3), ZR^{-1} \\, = \\, Q, && (4). Returns: :code:`r` of type :code:`ndarray` -> The `r` of the QR decomposition .. note:: :code:`self` is overwritten by :math:`Q`. """ return self._mgs_reortho()
[docs] def _mgs_stable(self, B): """ Returns :math:`QR` decomposition of self, which satisfies conditions (1)--(4). Uses Modified Gram-Schmidt with re-orthogonalization (Rutishauser variant) for computing the :math:`B`-orthogonal :math:`QR` factorization. References: 1. `A.K. Saibaba, J. Lee and P.K. Kitanidis, Randomized algorithms for Generalized \ Hermitian Eigenvalue Problems with application to computing \ Karhunen-Loe've expansion` 2. `W. Gander, Algorithms for the QR decomposition. Res. Rep, 80(02), 1980` """ n = self.nvec() Bq = MultiVector(self[0], n) r = np.zeros((n,n), dtype = 'd') reorth = np.zeros((n,), dtype = 'd') eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps for k in np.arange(n): B.mult(self[k], Bq[k]) t = np.sqrt( Bq[k].inner(self[k])) nach = 1; u = 0; while nach: u += 1 for i in np.arange(k): s = Bq[i].inner(self[k]) r[i,k] += s self[k].axpy(-s, self[i]) B.mult(self[k], Bq[k]) tt = np.sqrt(Bq[k].inner(self[k])) if tt > t*10.*eps and tt < t/10.: nach = 1; t = tt; else: nach = 0; if tt < 10.*eps*t: tt = 0. reorth[k] = u r[k,k] = tt if np.abs(tt*eps) > 0.: tt = 1./tt else: tt = 0. self.scale(k, tt) Bq.scale(k, tt) return Bq, r
[docs] def _mgs_reortho(self): n = self.nvec() r = np.zeros((n,n), dtype = 'd') reorth = np.zeros((n,), dtype = 'd') eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps for k in np.arange(n): t = np.sqrt( self[k].inner(self[k])) nach = 1; u = 0; while nach: u += 1 for i in np.arange(k): s = self[i].inner(self[k]) r[i,k] += s self[k].axpy(-s, self[i]) tt = np.sqrt(self[k].inner(self[k])) if tt > t*10.*eps and tt < t/10.: nach = 1; t = tt; else: nach = 0; if tt < 10.*eps*t: tt = 0. reorth[k] = u r[k,k] = tt if np.abs(tt*eps) > 0.: tt = 1./tt else: tt = 0. self.scale(k, tt) return r
[docs] def export(self, Vh, filename, varname = "mv", normalize=False): """ Export in paraview this multivector. Inputs: - :code:`Vh`: the parameter finite element space. - :code:`filename`: the name of the paraview output file. - :code:`varname`: the name of the paraview variable. - :code:`normalize`: if :code:`True` the vector is rescaled such that :math:`\\| u \\|_{\\infty} = 1.` """ if '.xdmf' in filename: self._exportXDMF(Vh, filename, varname, normalize) else: self._exportFile(Vh, filename, varname, normalize)
[docs] def _exportXDMF(self, Vh, filename, varname, normalize): """ Specialization of export using dl.File """ fid = dl.XDMFFile(Vh.mesh().mpi_comm(), filename) fid.parameters["functions_share_mesh"] = True fid.parameters["rewrite_function_mesh"] = False fun = dl.Function(Vh, name = varname) if not normalize: for i in range(self.nvec()): fun.vector().zero() fun.vector().axpy(1., self[i]) fid.write(fun,i) else: for i in range(self.nvec()): s = self[i].norm("linf") fun.vector().zero() fun.vector().axpy(1./s, self[i]) fid.write(fun,i)
[docs] def _exportFile(self, Vh, filename, varname, normalize): """ Specialization of export using dl.File """ fid = dl.File(filename) fun = dl.Function(Vh, name = varname) if not normalize: for i in range(self.nvec()): fun.vector().zero() fun.vector().axpy(1., self[i]) fid << fun else: for i in range(self.nvec()): s = self[i].norm("linf") fun.vector().zero() fun.vector().axpy(1./s, self[i]) fid << fun
[docs]def MatMvMult(A, x, y): assert x.nvec() == y.nvec(), "x and y have non-matching number of vectors" if hasattr(A,'matMvMult'): A.matMvMult(x,y) else: for i in range(x.nvec()): A.mult(x[i], y[i])
[docs]def MatMvTranspmult(A, x, y): assert x.nvec() == y.nvec(), "x and y have non-matching number of vectors" assert hasattr(A,'transpmult'), "A does not have transpmult method implemented" if hasattr(A,'matMvTranspmult'): A.matMvTranspmult(x,y) else: for i in range(x.nvec()): A.transpmult(x[i], y[i])
[docs]def MvDSmatMult(X, A, Y): assert X.nvec() == A.shape[0], "X Number of vecs incompatible with number of rows in A" assert Y.nvec() == A.shape[1], "Y Number of vecs incompatible with number of cols in A" for j in range(Y.nvec()): Y[j].zero() X.reduce(Y[j], A[:,j].flatten())