Source code for hippylib.algorithms.cgsolverSteihaug

# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The University of Texas at Austin 
# & University of California--Merced.
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020, The University of Texas at Austin 
# University of California--Merced, Washington University in St. Louis.
# All Rights reserved.
# See file COPYRIGHT for details.
# This file is part of the hIPPYlib library. For more information and source code
# availability see
# hIPPYlib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by the Free
# Software Foundation) version 2.0 dated June 1991.

import dolfin as dl
from ..utils.parameterList import ParameterList
import math

[docs]def CGSolverSteihaug_ParameterList(): """ Generate a :code:`ParameterList` for :code:`CGSolverSteihaug`. Type :code:`CGSolverSteihaug_ParameterList().showMe()` for default values and their descriptions """ parameters = {} parameters["rel_tolerance"] = [1e-9, "the relative tolerance for the stopping criterion"] parameters["abs_tolerance"] = [1e-12, "the absolute tolerance for the stopping criterion"] parameters["max_iter"] = [1000, "the maximum number of iterations"] parameters["zero_initial_guess"] = [True, "if True we start with a 0 initial guess; if False we use the x as initial guess."] parameters["print_level"] = [0, "verbosity level: -1 --> no output on screen; 0 --> only final residual at convergence or reason for not not convergence"] return ParameterList(parameters)
[docs]class CGSolverSteihaug: """ Solve the linear system :math:`A x = b` using preconditioned conjugate gradient ( :math:`B` preconditioner) and the Steihaug stopping criterion: - reason of termination 0: we reached the maximum number of iterations (no convergence) - reason of termination 1: we reduced the residual up to the given tolerance (convergence) - reason of termination 2: we reached a negative direction (premature termination due to not spd matrix) - reason of termination 3: we reached the boundary of the trust region The stopping criterion is based on either - the absolute preconditioned residual norm check: :math:`|| r^* ||_{B^{-1}} < atol` - the relative preconditioned residual norm check: :math:`|| r^* ||_{B^{-1}}/|| r^0 ||_{B^{-1}} < rtol,` where :math:`r^* = b - Ax^*` is the residual at convergence and :math:`r^0 = b - Ax^0` is the initial residual. The operator :code:`A` is set using the method :code:`set_operator(A)`. :code:`A` must provide the following two methods: - :code:`A.mult(x,y)`: `y = Ax` - :code:`A.init_vector(x, dim)`: initialize the vector `x` so that it is compatible with the range `(dim = 0)` or the domain `(dim = 1)` of :code:`A`. The preconditioner :code:`B` is set using the method :code:`set_preconditioner(B)`. :code:`B` must provide the following method: - :code:`B.solve(z,r)`: `z` is the action of the preconditioner :code:`B` on the vector `r` To solve the linear system :math:`Ax = b` call :code:`self.solve(x,b)`. Here :code:`x` and :code:`b` are assumed to be :code:`dolfin.Vector` objects. Type :code:`CGSolverSteihaug_ParameterList().showMe()` for default parameters and their descriptions """ reason = ["Maximum Number of Iterations Reached", "Relative/Absolute residual less than tol", "Reached a negative direction", "Reached trust region boundary" ] def __init__(self, parameters=CGSolverSteihaug_ParameterList(),comm = dl.MPI.comm_world ): self.parameters = parameters self.A = None self.B_solver = None self.B_op = None self.converged = False self.iter = 0 self.reasonid = 0 self.final_norm = 0 self.TR_radius_2 = None self.update_x = self.update_x_without_TR self.r = dl.Vector(comm) self.z = dl.Vector(comm) self.Ad = dl.Vector(comm) self.d = dl.Vector(comm) self.Bx = dl.Vector(comm)
[docs] def set_operator(self, A): """ Set the operator :math:`A`. """ self.A = A self.A.init_vector(self.r,0) self.A.init_vector(self.z,0) self.A.init_vector(self.d,0) self.A.init_vector(self.Ad,0)
[docs] def set_preconditioner(self, B_solver): """ Set the preconditioner :math:`B`. """ self.B_solver = B_solver
[docs] def set_TR(self,radius,B_op): assert self.parameters["zero_initial_guess"] self.TR_radius_2 = radius*radius self.update_x = self.update_x_with_TR self.B_op = B_op self.B_op.init_vector(self.Bx,0)
[docs] def update_x_without_TR(self,x,alpha,d): x.axpy(alpha,d) return False
[docs] def update_x_with_TR(self,x,alpha,d): x_bk = x.copy() x.axpy(alpha,d) self.B_op.mult(x, self.Bx) x_Bnorm2 = self.Bx.inner(x) if x_Bnorm2 < self.TR_radius_2: return False else: # Move point to boundary of trust region self.B_op.mult(x_bk, self.Bx) x_Bnorm2 = self.Bx.inner(x_bk) Bd = self.d.copy() self.B_op.mult(self.d,Bd) d_Bnorm2 = Bd.inner(d) d_Bx = Bd.inner(x_bk) a_tau = alpha*alpha*d_Bnorm2 b_tau_half = alpha* d_Bx c_tau = x_Bnorm2- self.TR_radius_2 # Solve quadratic for :code:`tau` tau = (-b_tau_half + math.sqrt(b_tau_half*b_tau_half - a_tau*c_tau))/a_tau x.axpy(1,x_bk) x.axpy(tau*alpha, d) return True
[docs] def solve(self,x,b): """ Solve the linear system :math:`Ax = b` """ self.iter = 0 self.converged = False self.reasonid = 0 betanom = 0.0 alpha = 0.0 beta = 0.0 if self.parameters["zero_initial_guess"]: self.r.axpy(1.0, b) else: assert self.TR_radius_2==None self.A.mult(x,self.r) self.r *= -1.0 self.r.axpy(1.0, b) self.B_solver.solve(self.z,self.r) #z = B^-1 r self.d.axpy(1.,self.z); #d = z nom0 = self.d.inner(self.r) nom = nom0 if self.parameters["print_level"] == 1: print(" Iterartion : ", 0, " (B r, r) = ", nom) rtol2 = nom * self.parameters["rel_tolerance"] * self.parameters["rel_tolerance"] atol2 = self.parameters["abs_tolerance"] * self.parameters["abs_tolerance"] r0 = max(rtol2, atol2) if nom <= r0: self.converged = True self.reasonid = 1 self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom) if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0): print( self.reason[self.reasonid]) print( "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm) return self.A.mult(self.d, self.Ad) den = self.Ad.inner(self.d) if den <= 0.0: self.converged = True self.reasonid = 2 x.axpy(1., self.d) self.r.axpy(-1., self.Ad) self.B_solver.solve(self.z, self.r) nom = self.r.inner(self.z) self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom) if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0): print( self.reason[self.reasonid]) print( "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm) return # start iteration self.iter = 1 while True: alpha = nom/den TrustBool = self.update_x(x,alpha,self.d) # x = x + alpha d if TrustBool == True: self.converged = True self.reasonid = 3 self.final_norm = math.sqrt(betanom) if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0): print( self.reason[self.reasonid] ) print( "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm) break self.r.axpy(-alpha, self.Ad) # r = r - alpha A d self.B_solver.solve(self.z, self.r) # z = B^-1 r betanom = self.r.inner(self.z) if self.parameters["print_level"] == 1: print( " Iteration : ", self.iter, " (B r, r) = ", betanom) if betanom < r0: self.converged = True self.reasonid = 1 self.final_norm = math.sqrt(betanom) if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0): print( self.reason[self.reasonid]) print( "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm) break self.iter += 1 if self.iter > self.parameters["max_iter"]: self.converged = False self.reasonid = 0 self.final_norm = math.sqrt(betanom) if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0): print( self.reason[self.reasonid] ) print( "Not Converged. Final residual norm ", self.final_norm ) break beta = betanom/nom self.d *= beta self.d.axpy(1., self.z) #d = z + beta d self.A.mult(self.d,self.Ad) den = self.d.inner(self.Ad) if den <= 0.0: self.converged = True self.reasonid = 2 self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom) if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0): print( self.reason[self.reasonid] ) print( "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm ) break nom = betanom