Source code for hippylib.modeling.misfit

# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The University of Texas at Austin 
# & University of California, Merced.
# All Rights reserved.
# See file COPYRIGHT for details.
# This file is part of the hIPPYlib library. For more information and source code
# availability see
# hIPPYlib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by the Free
# Software Foundation) version 2.0 dated June 1991.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import dolfin as dl
from .pointwiseObservation import assemblePointwiseObservation
from .variables import STATE, PARAMETER
from ..algorithms.linalg import Transpose

[docs]class Misfit(object): """ Abstract class to model the misfit component of the cost functional. In the following :code:`x` will denote the variable :code:`[u, m, p]`, denoting respectively the state :code:`u`, the parameter :code:`m`, and the adjoint variable :code:`p`. The methods in the class misfit will usually access the state u and possibly the parameter :code:`m`. The adjoint variables will never be accessed. """
[docs] def cost(self,x): """ Given x evaluate the cost functional. Only the state u and (possibly) the parameter m are accessed. """ raise NotImplementedError("Child class should implement method cost") return 0
[docs] def grad(self, i, x, out): """ Given the state and the paramter in :code:`x`, compute the partial gradient of the misfit functional in with respect to the state (:code:`i == STATE`) or with respect to the parameter (:code:`i == PARAMETER`). """ raise NotImplementedError("Child class should implement method grad")
[docs] def setLinearizationPoint(self,x, gauss_newton_approx=False): """ Set the point for linearization. Inputs: :code:`x=[u, m, p]` - linearization point :code:`gauss_newton_approx (bool)` - whether to use Gauss Newton approximation """ raise NotImplementedError("Child class should implement method setLinearizationPoint")
[docs] def apply_ij(self,i,j, dir, out): """ Apply the second variation :math:`\delta_{ij}` (:code:`i,j = STATE,PARAMETER`) of the cost in direction :code:`dir`. """ raise NotImplementedError("Child class should implement method apply_ij")
[docs]class PointwiseStateObservation(Misfit): """ This class implements pointwise state observations at given locations. It assumes that the state variable is a scalar function. """ def __init__(self, Vh, obs_points): """ Constructor: :code:`Vh` is the finite element space for the state variable :code:`obs_points` is a 2D array number of points by geometric dimensions that stores \ the location of the observations. """ self.B = assemblePointwiseObservation(Vh, obs_points) self.d = dl.Vector(self.B.mpi_comm()) self.B.init_vector(self.d, 0) self.Bu = dl.Vector(self.B.mpi_comm()) self.B.init_vector(self.Bu, 0) self.noise_variance = None
[docs] def cost(self,x): if self.noise_variance is None: raise ValueError("Noise Variance must be specified") elif self.noise_variance == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError("Noise Variance must not be 0.0 Set to 1.0 for deterministic inverse problems") self.B.mult(x[STATE], self.Bu) self.Bu.axpy(-1., self.d) return (.5/self.noise_variance)*self.Bu.inner(self.Bu)
[docs] def grad(self, i, x, out): if self.noise_variance is None: raise ValueError("Noise Variance must be specified") elif self.noise_variance == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError("Noise Variance must not be 0.0 Set to 1.0 for deterministic inverse problems") if i == STATE: self.B.mult(x[STATE], self.Bu) self.Bu.axpy(-1., self.d) self.B.transpmult(self.Bu, out) out *= (1./self.noise_variance) elif i == PARAMETER: else: raise IndexError()
[docs] def setLinearizationPoint(self,x, gauss_newton_approx=False): # The cost functional is already quadratic. Nothing to be done here return
[docs] def apply_ij(self,i,j,dir,out): if self.noise_variance is None: raise ValueError("Noise Variance must be specified") elif self.noise_variance == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError("Noise Variance must not be 0.0 Set to 1.0 for deterministic inverse problems") if i == STATE and j == STATE: self.B.mult(dir, self.Bu) self.B.transpmult(self.Bu, out) out *= (1./self.noise_variance) else:
[docs]class ContinuousStateObservation(Misfit): """ This class implements continuous state observations in a subdomain :math:`X \subset \Omega` or :math:`X \subset \partial \Omega`. """ def __init__(self, Vh, dX, bcs, form = None): """ Constructor: :code:`Vh`: the finite element space for the state variable. :code:`dX`: the integrator on subdomain `X` where observation are presents. \ E.g. :code:`dX = dl.dx` means observation on all :math:`\Omega` and :code:`dX = dl.ds` means observations on all :math:`\partial \Omega`. :code:`bcs`: If the forward problem imposes Dirichlet boundary conditions :math:`u = u_D \mbox{ on } \Gamma_D`; \ :code:`bcs` is a list of :code:`dolfin.DirichletBC` object that prescribes homogeneuos Dirichlet conditions :math:`u = 0 \mbox{ on } \Gamma_D`. :code:`form`: if :code:`form = None` we compute the :math:`L^2(X)` misfit: :math:`\int_X (u - u_d)^2 dX,` \ otherwise the integrand specified in the given form will be used. """ if form is None: u, v = dl.TrialFunction(Vh), dl.TestFunction(Vh) self.W = dl.assemble(dl.inner(u,v)*dX) else: self.W = dl.assemble( form ) if bcs is None: bcs = [] if isinstance(bcs, dl.DirichletBC): bcs = [bcs] if len(bcs): Wt = Transpose(self.W) [ for bc in bcs] self.W = Transpose(Wt) [ for bc in bcs] self.d = dl.Vector(self.W.mpi_comm()) self.W.init_vector(self.d,1) self.noise_variance = None
[docs] def cost(self,x): if self.noise_variance is None: raise ValueError("Noise Variance must be specified") elif self.noise_variance == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError("Noise Variance must not be 0.0 Set to 1.0 for deterministic inverse problems") r = self.d.copy() r.axpy(-1., x[STATE]) Wr = dl.Vector(self.W.mpi_comm()) self.W.init_vector(Wr,0) self.W.mult(r,Wr) return r.inner(Wr)/(2.*self.noise_variance)
[docs] def grad(self, i, x, out): if self.noise_variance is None: raise ValueError("Noise Variance must be specified") elif self.noise_variance == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError("Noise Variance must not be 0.0 Set to 1.0 for deterministic inverse problems") if i == STATE: self.W.mult(x[STATE]-self.d, out) out *= (1./self.noise_variance) elif i == PARAMETER: else: raise IndexError()
[docs] def setLinearizationPoint(self,x, gauss_newton_approx=False): # The cost functional is already quadratic. Nothing to be done here return
[docs] def apply_ij(self,i,j,dir,out): if self.noise_variance is None: raise ValueError("Noise Variance must be specified") elif self.noise_variance == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError("Noise Variance must not be 0.0 Set to 1.0 for deterministic inverse problems") if i == STATE and j == STATE: self.W.mult(dir, out) out *= (1./self.noise_variance) else:
[docs]class MultiStateMisfit(Misfit): def __init__(self, misfits): self.nmisfits = len(misfits) self.misfits = misfits
[docs] def append(self, misfit): self.nmisfits += 1 self.misfits.append(misfit)
[docs] def cost(self,x): u, m, p = x c = 0. for i in range(self.nmisfits): c += self.misfits[i].cost([[i], m, None ] ) return c
[docs] def grad(self, i, x, out): u, m, p = x if i == STATE: for ii in range(self.nmisfits): self.misfits[ii].grad(i, [[ii], m, None ],[ii] ) else: tmp = out.copy() for ii in range(self.nmisfits): self.misfits[ii].grad(i, [[ii], m, None ], tmp ) out.axpy(1., tmp)
[docs] def setLinearizationPoint(self,x, gauss_newton_approx=False): u, m, p = x for ii in range(self.nmisfits): self.misfits[ii].setLinearizationPoint([[ii], m, None ], gauss_newton_approx)
[docs] def apply_ij(self,i,j,dir,out): if i == STATE and j == STATE: for s in range(self.nmisfits): self.misfits[s].apply_ij(i,j,[s],[s]) elif i == STATE and j == PARAMETER: for s in range(self.nmisfits): self.misfits[s].apply_ij(i,j,dir,[s]) elif i == PARAMETER and j == STATE: tmp = out.copy() for s in range(self.nmisfits): self.misfits[s].apply_ij(i,j,[s],tmp) out.axpy(1., tmp) elif i == PARAMETER and j == PARAMETER: tmp = out.copy() for s in range(self.nmisfits): self.misfits[s].apply_ij(i,j,dir,tmp) out.axpy(1., tmp) else: raise IndexError