hippylib.algorithms package


hippylib.algorithms.NewtonCG module


Generate a ParameterList for line search globalization. type: LS_ParameterList().showMe() for default values and their descriptions

class hippylib.algorithms.NewtonCG.ReducedSpaceNewtonCG(model, parameters=<hippylib.utils.parameterList.ParameterList object>, callback=None)[source]

Inexact Newton-CG method to solve constrained optimization problems in the reduced parameter space. The Newton system is solved inexactly by early termination of CG iterations via Eisenstat-Walker (to prevent oversolving) and Steihaug (to avoid negative curvature) criteria. Globalization is performed using one of the following methods:

  • line search (LS) based on the armijo sufficient reduction condition; or
  • trust region (TR) based on the prior preconditioned norm of the update direction.

The stopping criterion is based on a control on the norm of the gradient and a control of the inner product between the gradient and the Newton direction.

The user must provide a model that describes the forward problem, cost functionals, and all the derivatives for the gradient and the Hessian.

More specifically the model object should implement following methods:

  • generate_vector() -> generate the object containing state, parameter, adjoint
  • cost(x) -> evaluate the cost functional, report regularization part and misfit separately
  • solveFwd(out, x,tol) -> solve the possibly non linear forward problem up a tolerance tol
  • solveAdj(out, x,tol) -> solve the linear adjoint problem
  • evalGradientParameter(x, out) -> evaluate the gradient of the parameter and compute its norm
  • setPointForHessianEvaluations(x) -> set the state to perform hessian evaluations
  • solveFwdIncremental(out, rhs, tol) -> solve the linearized forward problem for a given rhs
  • solveAdjIncremental(out, rhs, tol) -> solve the linear adjoint problem for a given rhs
  • applyC(dm, out) –> Compute out \(= C_x dm\)
  • applyCt(dp, out) –> Compute out = \(C_x dp\)
  • applyWuu(du,out) –> Compute out = \((W_{uu})_x du\)
  • applyWmu(dm, out) –> Compute out = \((W_{um})_x dm\)
  • applyWmu(du, out) –> Compute out = \(W_{mu} du\)
  • applyR(dm, out) –> Compute out = \(R dm\)
  • applyWmm(dm,out) –> Compute out = \(W_{mm} dm\)
  • Rsolver() –> A solver for the regularization term

Type help(Model) for additional information

Initialize the ReducedSpaceNewtonCG. Type ReducedSpaceNewtonCG_ParameterList().showMe() for list of default parameters and their descriptions.

Parameters: model The model object that describes the inverse problem parameters: (type ParameterList, optional) set parameters for inexact Newton CG callback: (type function handler with signature callback(it: int, x: list of dl.Vector): --> None

optional callback function to be called at the end of each iteration. Takes as input the iteration number, and the list of vectors for the state, parameter, adjoint.

Solve the constrained optimization problem with initial guess x.

x = [u, m, p] represents the initial guess (u and p may be None). x will be overwritten on return.
termination_reasons = ['Maximum number of Iteration reached', 'Norm of the gradient less than tolerance', 'Maximum number of backtracking reached', 'Norm of (g, dm) less than tolerance']

Generate a ParameterList for ReducedSpaceNewtonCG. type: ReducedSpaceNewtonCG_ParameterList().showMe() for default values and their descriptions


Generate a ParameterList for Trust Region globalization. type: RT_ParameterList().showMe() for default values and their descriptions

hippylib.algorithms.bfgs module

class hippylib.algorithms.bfgs.BFGS(model, parameters=<hippylib.utils.parameterList.ParameterList object>)[source]

Implement BFGS technique with backtracking inexact line search and damped updating See Nocedal & Wright (06), ch.6.2, ch.7.3, ch.18.3

The user must provide a model that describes the forward problem, cost functionals, and all the derivatives for the gradient and the Hessian.

More specifically the model object should implement following methods:

  • generate_vector() -> generate the object containing state, parameter, adjoint
  • cost(x) -> evaluate the cost functional, report regularization part and misfit separately
  • solveFwd(out, x,tol) -> solve the possibly non-linear forward problem up a tolerance tol
  • solveAdj(out, x,tol) -> solve the linear adjoint problem
  • evalGradientParameter(x, out) -> evaluate the gradient of the parameter and compute its norm
  • applyR(dm, out) –> Compute out = \(R dm\)
  • Rsolver() –> A solver for the regularization term

Type help(Model) for additional information

Initialize the BFGS solver. Type BFGS_ParameterList().showMe() for default parameters and their description

solve(x, H0inv, bounds_xPARAM=None)[source]

Solve the constrained optimization problem with initial guess x = [u, m0, p].


u and p may be None.

x will be overwritten.

H0inv: the initial approximated inverse of the Hessian for the BFGS operator. It has an optional method update(x) that will update the operator based on x = [u,m,p].

bounds_xPARAM: Bound constraint (list with two entries: min and max). Can be either a scalar value or a dolfin.Vector.

Return the solution [u,m,p]

termination_reasons = ['Maximum number of Iteration reached', 'Norm of the gradient less than tolerance', 'Maximum number of backtracking reached', 'Norm of (g, da) less than tolerance']
class hippylib.algorithms.bfgs.BFGS_operator(parameters=<hippylib.utils.parameterList.ParameterList object>)[source]

Set user-defined operator corresponding to H0inv


H0inv: Fenics operator with method solve()
solve(x, b)[source]

Solve system: \(H_{bfgs} x = b\) where \(H_{bfgs}\) is the approximation to the Hessian build by BFGS. That is, we apply

\[x = (H_{bfgs})^{-1} b = H_k b\]

where \(H_k\) matrix is BFGS approximation to the inverse of the Hessian. Computation done via double-loop algorithm.


x = dolfin.Vector - [out]

b = dolfin.Vector - [in]

update(s, y)[source]

Update BFGS operator with most recent gradient update.

To handle potential break from secant condition, update done via damping


s = dolfin.Vector [in] - corresponds to update in medium parameters.

y = dolfin.Vector [in] - corresponds to update in gradient.

class hippylib.algorithms.bfgs.RescaledIdentity(init_vector=None)[source]

Bases: object

Default operator for H0inv, corresponds to applying \(d0 I\)

init_vector(x, dim)[source]
solve(x, b)[source]

hippylib.algorithms.cgsampler module

class hippylib.algorithms.cgsampler.CGSampler[source]

This class implements the CG sampler algorithm to generate samples from \(\mathcal{N}(0, A^{-1})\).

Albert Parker and Colin Fox Sampling Gaussian Distributions in Krylov Spaces with Conjugate Gradient SIAM J SCI COMPUT, Vol 34, No. 3 pp. B312-B334

Construct the solver with default parameters tolerance = 1e-4

print_level = 0

verbose = 0

sample(noise, s)[source]

Generate a sample \(s ~ N(0, A^{-1})\).

noise is a numpy.array of i.i.d. normal variables used as input. For a fixed realization of noise the algorithm is fully deterministic. The size of noise determine the maximum number of CG iterations.


Set the operator A, such that \(x \sim \mathcal{N}(0, A^{-1})\).


A is any object that provides the methods init_vector() and mult()

hippylib.algorithms.cgsolverSteihaug module

class hippylib.algorithms.cgsolverSteihaug.CGSolverSteihaug(parameters=<hippylib.utils.parameterList.ParameterList object>, comm=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>)[source]

Solve the linear system \(A x = b\) using preconditioned conjugate gradient ( \(B\) preconditioner) and the Steihaug stopping criterion:

  • reason of termination 0: we reached the maximum number of iterations (no convergence)
  • reason of termination 1: we reduced the residual up to the given tolerance (convergence)
  • reason of termination 2: we reached a negative direction (premature termination due to not spd matrix)
  • reason of termination 3: we reached the boundary of the trust region

The stopping criterion is based on either

  • the absolute preconditioned residual norm check: \(|| r^* ||_{B^{-1}} < atol\)
  • the relative preconditioned residual norm check: \(|| r^* ||_{B^{-1}}/|| r^0 ||_{B^{-1}} < rtol,\)

where \(r^* = b - Ax^*\) is the residual at convergence and \(r^0 = b - Ax^0\) is the initial residual.

The operator A is set using the method set_operator(A). A must provide the following two methods:

  • A.mult(x,y): y = Ax
  • A.init_vector(x, dim): initialize the vector x so that it is compatible with the range (dim = 0) or the domain (dim = 1) of A.

The preconditioner B is set using the method set_preconditioner(B). B must provide the following method: - B.solve(z,r): z is the action of the preconditioner B on the vector r

To solve the linear system \(Ax = b\) call self.solve(x,b). Here x and b are assumed to be dolfin.Vector objects.

Type CGSolverSteihaug_ParameterList().showMe() for default parameters and their descriptions

reason = ['Maximum Number of Iterations Reached', 'Relative/Absolute residual less than tol', 'Reached a negative direction', 'Reached trust region boundary']
set_TR(radius, B_op)[source]

Set the operator \(A\).


Set the preconditioner \(B\).

solve(x, b)[source]

Solve the linear system \(Ax = b\)

update_x_with_TR(x, alpha, d)[source]
update_x_without_TR(x, alpha, d)[source]

Generate a ParameterList for CGSolverSteihaug. Type CGSolverSteihaug_ParameterList().showMe() for default values and their descriptions

hippylib.algorithms.linalg module

class hippylib.algorithms.linalg.DiagonalOperator(d)[source]
init_vector(x, dim)[source]
inner(x, y)[source]
mult(x, y)[source]
hippylib.algorithms.linalg.GetFromOwnedGid(v, gid)[source]
hippylib.algorithms.linalg.MatAtB(A, B)[source]

Compute the matrix-matrix product \(A^T B\).

hippylib.algorithms.linalg.MatMatMult(A, B)[source]

Compute the matrix-matrix product \(AB\).

hippylib.algorithms.linalg.MatPtAP(A, P)[source]

Compute the triple matrix product \(P^T A P\).

class hippylib.algorithms.linalg.Operator2Solver(op, mpi_comm=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>)[source]
init_vector(x, dim)[source]
inner(x, y)[source]
solve(y, x)[source]
hippylib.algorithms.linalg.SetToOwnedGid(v, gid, val)[source]
class hippylib.algorithms.linalg.Solver2Operator(S, mpi_comm=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>, init_vector=None)[source]
init_vector(x, dim)[source]
inner(x, y)[source]
mult(x, y)[source]

Compute the matrix transpose


Determine which AMG preconditioner to use. If available use the preconditioner suggested by the user (ML is default). If not available use petsc_amg.

hippylib.algorithms.linalg.estimate_diagonal_inv2(Asolver, k, d)[source]

An unbiased stochastic estimator for the diagonal of \(A^{-1}\). \(d = [ \sum_{j=1}^k v_j .* A^{-1} v_j ] ./ [ \sum_{j=1}^k v_j .* v_j ]\) where

  • \(v_j\) are i.i.d. \(\mathcal{N}(0, I)\)
  • \(.*\) and \(./\) represent the element-wise multiplication and division of vectors, respectively.
Costas Bekas, Effrosyni Kokiopoulou, and Yousef Saad, An estimator for the diagonal of a matrix, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 57 (2007), pp. 1214-1229.
hippylib.algorithms.linalg.get_diagonal(A, d)[source]

Compute the diagonal of the square operator \(A\). Use Solver2Operator if \(A^{-1}\) is needed.

hippylib.algorithms.linalg.to_dense(A, mpi_comm=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>)[source]

Convert a sparse matrix A to dense. For debugging only.

hippylib.algorithms.linalg.trace(A, mpi_comm=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>)[source]

Compute the trace of a sparse matrix \(A\).

hippylib.algorithms.lowRankOperator module

class hippylib.algorithms.lowRankOperator.LowRankOperator(d, U, my_init_vector=None)[source]

This class model the action of a low rank operator \(A = U D U^T\). Here \(D\) is a diagonal matrix, and the columns of are orthonormal in some weighted inner-product.


This class only works in serial!

Construct the low rank operator given d and U.


Compute the diagonal of A.

init_vector(x, dim)[source]

Initialize x to be compatible with the range (dim=0) or domain (dim=1) of A.

inner(x, y)[source]
mult(x, y)[source]

Compute \(y = Ax = U D U^T x\)

solve(sol, rhs)[source]

Compute \(\mbox{sol} = U D^-1 U^T x\)


Compute the trace of A. If the weight W is given, compute the trace of \(W^{1/2} A W^{1/2}\). This is equivalent to \(\mbox{tr}_W(A) = \sum_i \lambda_i\), where \(\lambda_i\) are the generalized eigenvalues of \(A x = \lambda W^{-1} x\).


If \(U\) is a \(W\)-orthogonal matrix then \(\mbox{tr}_W(A) = \sum_i D(i,i)\).


Compute the trace of \(A A\) (Note this is the square of Frobenius norm, since \(A\) is symmetic). If the weight W is provided, it will compute the trace of \((AW)^2\).

This is equivalent to \(\mbox{tr}_W(A) = \sum_i \lambda_i^2\), where \(\lambda_i\) are the generalized eigenvalues of \(A x = \lambda W^{-1} x\).


If \(U\) is a \(W\)-orthogonal matrix then \(\mbox{tr}_W(A) = \sum_i D(i,i)^2\).

hippylib.algorithms.multivector module

hippylib.algorithms.multivector.MatMvMult(A, x, y)[source]
class hippylib.algorithms.multivector.MultiVector(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject


Returns \(QR\) decomposition of self. \(Q\) and \(R\) satisfy the following relations in exact arithmetic

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}R \,= \,Z, && (1),\\Q^*BQ\, = \, I, && (2),\\Q^*BZ \, = \,R, && (3),\\ZR^{-1} \, = \, Q, && (4). \end{aligned}\end{align} \]


Bq of type MultiVector -> B\(^{-1}\)-orthogonal vectors r of type ndarray -> The \(r\) of the QR decomposition.


self is overwritten by \(Q\).


Returns \(QR\) decomposition of self, which satisfies conditions (1)–(4). Uses Modified Gram-Schmidt with re-orthogonalization (Rutishauser variant) for computing the \(B\)-orthogonal \(QR\) factorization.

  1. A.K. Saibaba, J. Lee and P.K. Kitanidis, Randomized algorithms for Generalized Hermitian Eigenvalue Problems with application to computing Karhunen-Loe’ve expansion http://arxiv.org/abs/1307.6885
  2. W. Gander, Algorithms for the QR decomposition. Res. Rep, 80(02), 1980


export(Vh, filename, varname='mv', normalize=False)[source]

Export in paraview this multivector.


  • Vh: the parameter finite element space.
  • filename: the name of the paraview output file.
  • varname: the name of the paraview variable.
  • normalize: if True the vector is rescaled such that \(\| u \|_{\infty} = 1.\)

Returns \(QR\) decomposition of self. \(Q\) and \(R\) satisfy the following relations in exact arithmetic

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}QR \, = \, Z, && (1),\\Q^*Q \, = \, I, && (2),\\Q^*Z \, = \, R, && (3),\\ZR^{-1} \, = \, Q, && (4).\end{aligned}\end{align} \]


r of type ndarray -> The r of the QR decomposition


self is overwritten by \(Q\).

hippylib.algorithms.multivector.MvDSmatMult(X, A, Y)[source]

hippylib.algorithms.randomizedEigensolver module

hippylib.algorithms.randomizedEigensolver.check_g(A, B, U, d)[source]

Test the frobenious norm of \(U^TBU - I_k\).

Test the frobenious norm of \((V^TAV) - I_k\), with \(V = U D^{-1/2}\).

Test the \(l_2\) norm of the residual: \(r[i] = A U[i] - d[i] B U[i]\).

hippylib.algorithms.randomizedEigensolver.check_std(A, U, d)[source]

Test the frobenious norm of \(U^TU - I_k\).

Test the frobenious norm of \((V^TAV) - I_k\), with \(V = U D^{-1/2}\).

Test the \(l_2\) norm of the residual: \(r[i] = A U[i] - d[i] U[i]\).

hippylib.algorithms.randomizedEigensolver.doublePass(A, Omega, k, s, check=False)[source]

The double pass algorithm for the HEP as presented in [1].


  • A: the operator for which we need to estimate the dominant eigenpairs.
  • Omega: a random gassian matrix with \(m \geq k\) columns.
  • k: the number of eigenpairs to extract.
  • s: the number of power iterations for selecting the subspace.


  • d: the estimate of the \(k\) dominant eigenvalues of \(A\).
  • U: the estimate of the \(k\) dominant eigenvectors of \(A,\, U^T U = I_k\).
hippylib.algorithms.randomizedEigensolver.doublePassG(A, B, Binv, Omega, k, s=1, check=False)[source]

The double pass algorithm for the GHEP as presented in [2].


  • A: the operator for which we need to estimate the dominant generalized eigenpairs.
  • B: the right-hand side operator.
  • Binv: the inverse of the right-hand side operator.
  • Omega: a random gassian matrix with \(m \geq k\) columns.
  • k: the number of eigenpairs to extract.
  • s: the number of power iterations for selecting the subspace.


  • d: the estimate of the \(k\) dominant eigenvalues of \(A\).
  • U: the estimate of the \(k\) dominant eigenvectors of \(A,\, U^T B U = I_k\).
hippylib.algorithms.randomizedEigensolver.singlePass(A, Omega, k, s=1, check=False)[source]

The single pass algorithm for the Hermitian Eigenvalues Problems (HEP) as presented in [1].


  • A: the operator for which we need to estimate the dominant eigenpairs.
  • Omega: a random gassian matrix with \(m \geq k\) columns.
  • k: the number of eigenpairs to extract.


  • d: the estimate of the \(k\) dominant eigenvalues of \(A\).
  • U: the estimate of the \(k\) dominant eigenvectors of \(A,\, U^T U = I_k\).
hippylib.algorithms.randomizedEigensolver.singlePassG(A, B, Binv, Omega, k, s=1, check=False)[source]

The single pass algorithm for the Generalized Hermitian Eigenvalues Problems (GHEP) as presented in [2].


  • A: the operator for which we need to estimate the dominant generalized eigenpairs.
  • B: the right-hand side operator.
  • Binv: the inverse of the right-hand side operator.
  • Omega: a random gassian matrix with \(m \geq k\) columns.
  • k: the number of eigenpairs to extract.
  • s: the number of power iterations for selecting the subspace.


  • d: the estimate of the \(k\) dominant eigenvalues of \(A\).
  • U: the estimate of the \(k\) dominant eigenvectors of \(A,\, U^T B U = I_k\).

hippylib.algorithms.steepestDescent module

class hippylib.algorithms.steepestDescent.SteepestDescent(model, parameters=<hippylib.utils.parameterList.ParameterList object>)[source]

Prior-preconditioned Steepest Descent to solve constrained optimization problems in the reduced parameter space. Globalization is performed using the Armijo sufficient reduction condition (backtracking). The stopping criterion is based on a control on the norm of the gradient.

The user must provide a model that describes the forward problem, cost functionals, and all the derivatives for the gradient.

More specifically the model object should implement following methods:

  • generate_vector() -> generate the object containing state, parameter, adjoint.
  • cost(x) -> evaluate the cost functional, report regularization part and misfit separately.
  • solveFwd(out, x,tol) -> solve the possibly non linear forward problem up to tolerance tol.
  • solveAdj(out, x,tol) -> solve the linear adjoint problem.
  • evalGradientParameter(x, out) -> evaluate the gradient of the parameter and compute its norm.
  • Rsolver() –> A solver for the regularization term.

Type help(Model) for additional information.

Initialize the Steepest Descent solver. Type SteepestDescent_ParameterList().showMe() for list of default parameters and their descriptions.


Solve the constrained optimization problem with initial guess x = [u,a,p]. Return the solution [u,a,p].


x will be overwritten.

termination_reasons = ['Maximum number of Iteration reached', 'Norm of the gradient less than tolerance', 'Maximum number of backtracking reached']

hippylib.algorithms.traceEstimator module

class hippylib.algorithms.traceEstimator.TraceEstimator(A, solve_mode=False, accurancy=0.1, init_vector=None, random_engine=<function rademacher_engine>, mpi_comm=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>)[source]

An unbiased stochastic estimator for the trace of \(A,\, d = \sum_{j=1}^k (v_j, A v_j)\), where

  • \(v_j\) are i.i.d. Rademacher or Gaussian random vectors.
  • \((\cdot,\cdot)\) represents the inner product.

The number of samples \(k\) is estimated at run time based on the variance of the estimator.

Reference: Haim Avron and Sivan Toledo, Randomized algorithms for estimating the trace of an implicit symmetric positive semi-definite matrix, Journal of the ACM (JACM), 58 (2011), p. 17.


  • A: an operator
  • solve_mode: if True we estimate the trace of A\(^{-1}\), otherwise of A.
  • code:accurancy: we stop when the standard deviation of the estimator is less then
  • init_vector: use a custom function to initialize a vector compatible with the
    range/domain of A.
  • random_engine: which type of i.i.d. random variables to use (Rademacher or Gaussian).

Generate a vector of \(n\) i.i.d. standard normal variables.


Generate a vector of \(n\) i.i.d. Rademacher variables.

Module contents