Source code for hippylib.modeling.reducedHessian

# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The University of Texas at Austin 
# & University of California, Merced.
# All Rights reserved.
# See file COPYRIGHT for details.
# This file is part of the hIPPYlib library. For more information and source code
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# terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by the Free
# Software Foundation) version 2.0 dated June 1991.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from .variables import STATE, PARAMETER, ADJOINT

[docs]class ReducedHessian: """ This class implements matrix free application of the reduced Hessian operator. The constructor takes the following parameters: - :code:`model`: the object which contains the description of the problem. - :code:`innerTol`: the relative tolerance for the solution of the incremental forward and adjoint problems. - :code:`misfit_only`: a boolean flag that describes whenever the full Hessian or only the misfit component of the Hessian is used. Type :code:`help(modelTemplate)` for more information on which methods model should implement. """ def __init__(self, model, innerTol, misfit_only=False): """ Construct the reduced Hessian Operator """ self.model = model self.tol = innerTol self.gauss_newton_approx = self.model.gauss_newton_approx self.misfit_only=misfit_only self.ncalls = 0 self.rhs_fwd = model.generate_vector(STATE) self.rhs_adj = model.generate_vector(ADJOINT) self.rhs_adj2 = model.generate_vector(ADJOINT) self.uhat = model.generate_vector(STATE) self.phat = model.generate_vector(ADJOINT) self.yhelp = model.generate_vector(PARAMETER)
[docs] def init_vector(self, x, dim): """ Reshape the Vector :code:`x` so that it is compatible with the reduced Hessian operator. Parameters: - :code:`x`: the vector to reshape. - :code:`dim`: if 0 then :code:`x` will be reshaped to be compatible with the range of the reduced Hessian, if 1 then :code:`x` will be reshaped to be compatible with the domain of the reduced Hessian. .. note:: Since the reduced Hessian is a self adjoint operator, the range and the domain is the same. Either way, we choosed to add the parameter :code:`dim` for consistency with the interface of :code:`Matrix` in dolfin. """ self.model.init_parameter(x)
[docs] def mult(self,x,y): """ Apply the reduced Hessian (or the Gauss-Newton approximation) to the vector :code:`x`. Return the result in :code:`y`. """ if self.gauss_newton_approx: self.GNHessian(x,y) else: self.TrueHessian(x,y) self.ncalls += 1
[docs] def inner(self,x,y): """ Perform the inner product between :code:`x` and :code:`y` in the norm induced by the reduced Hessian :math:`H,\\,(x, y)_H = x' H y`. """ Ay = self.model.generate_vector(PARAMETER) self.mult(y,Ay) return x.inner(Ay)
[docs] def GNHessian(self,x,y): """ Apply the Gauss-Newton approximation of the reduced Hessian to the vector :code:`x`. Return the result in :code:`y`. """ self.model.applyC(x, self.rhs_fwd) self.model.solveFwdIncremental(self.uhat, self.rhs_fwd, self.tol) self.model.applyWuu(self.uhat, self.rhs_adj) self.model.solveAdjIncremental(self.phat, self.rhs_adj, self.tol) self.model.applyCt(self.phat, y) if not self.misfit_only: self.model.applyR(x,self.yhelp) y.axpy(1., self.yhelp)
[docs] def TrueHessian(self, x, y): """ Apply the the reduced Hessian to the vector :code:`x`. Return the result in :code:`y`. """ self.model.applyC(x, self.rhs_fwd) self.model.solveFwdIncremental(self.uhat, self.rhs_fwd, self.tol) self.model.applyWuu(self.uhat, self.rhs_adj) self.model.applyWum(x, self.rhs_adj2) self.rhs_adj.axpy(-1., self.rhs_adj2) self.model.solveAdjIncremental(self.phat, self.rhs_adj, self.tol) self.model.applyWmm(x, y) self.model.applyCt(self.phat, self.yhelp) y.axpy(1., self.yhelp) self.model.applyWmu(self.uhat, self.yhelp) y.axpy(-1., self.yhelp) if not self.misfit_only: self.model.applyR(x,self.yhelp) y.axpy(1., self.yhelp)
[docs]class FDHessian: """ This class implements matrix free application of the reduced Hessian operator. The constructor takes the following parameters: - :code:`model`: the object which contains the description of the problem. - :code:`m0`: the value of the parameter at which the Hessian needs to be evaluated. - :code:`h`: the mesh size for FD. - :code:`innerTol`: the relative tolerance for the solution of the forward and adjoint problems. - :code:`misfit_only`: a boolean flag that describes whenever the full Hessian or only the misfit component of the Hessian is used. Type :code:`help(Template)` for more information on which methods model should implement. """ def __init__(self, model, m0, h, innerTol, misfit_only=False): """ Construct the reduced Hessian Operator """ self.model = model self.m0 = m0.copy() self.h = h self.tol = innerTol self.misfit_only=misfit_only self.ncalls = 0 self.state_plus = model.generate_vector(STATE) self.adj_plus = model.generate_vector(ADJOINT) self.state_minus = model.generate_vector(STATE) self.adj_minus = model.generate_vector(ADJOINT) self.g_plus = model.generate_vector(PARAMETER) self.g_minus = model.generate_vector(PARAMETER) self.yhelp = model.generate_vector(PARAMETER)
[docs] def init_vector(self, x, dim): """ Reshape the Vector :code:`x` so that it is compatible with the reduced Hessian operator. Parameters: - :code:`x`: the vector to reshape - :code:`dim`: if 0 then :code:`x` will be reshaped to be compatible with the range of the reduced Hessian, if 1 then :code:`x` will be reshaped to be compatible with the domain of the reduced Hessian .. note:: Since the reduced Hessian is a self adjoint operator, the range and the domain is the same. Either way, we choosed to add the parameter :code:`dim` for consistency with the interface of :code:`Matrix` in dolfin. """ self.model.init_parameter(x)
[docs] def mult(self,x,y): """ Apply the reduced Hessian (or the Gauss-Newton approximation) to the vector :code:`x`. Return the result in :code:`y`. """ h = self.h m_plus = self.m0.copy() m_plus.axpy(h, x) self.model.solveFwd(self.state_plus, [self.state_plus, m_plus, self.adj_plus], self.tol) self.model.solveAdj(self.adj_plus, [self.state_plus, m_plus, self.adj_plus], self.tol) self.model.evalGradientParameter([self.state_plus, m_plus, self.adj_plus], self.g_plus, misfit_only = True) m_minus = self.m0.copy() m_minus.axpy(-h, x) self.model.solveFwd(self.state_minus, [self.state_minus, m_minus, self.adj_minus], self.tol) self.model.solveAdj(self.adj_minus, [self.state_minus, m_minus, self.adj_minus], self.tol) self.model.evalGradientParameter([self.state_minus, m_minus, self.adj_minus], self.g_minus, misfit_only = True) y.axpy(1., self.g_plus) y.axpy(-1., self.g_minus) y*=(.5/h) if not self.misfit_only: self.model.applyR(x,self.yhelp) y.axpy(1., self.yhelp) self.ncalls += 1
[docs] def inner(self,x,y): """ Perform the inner product between :code:`x` and :code:`y` in the norm induced by the reduced Hessian :math:`H,\\, (x, y)_H = x' H y`. """ Ay = self.model.generate_vector(PARAMETER) self.mult(y,Ay) return x.inner(Ay)