Source code for hippylib.modeling.prior

# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The University of Texas at Austin 
# & University of California, Merced.
# All Rights reserved.
# See file COPYRIGHT for details.
# This file is part of the hIPPYlib library. For more information and source code
# availability see
# hIPPYlib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by the Free
# Software Foundation) version 2.0 dated June 1991.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import dolfin as dl
import numpy as np
import math

from ..algorithms.linalg import MatMatMult, get_diagonal, amg_method, estimate_diagonal_inv2, Solver2Operator, Operator2Solver
from ..algorithms.traceEstimator import TraceEstimator
from ..algorithms.multivector import MultiVector
from ..algorithms.randomizedEigensolver import singlePass, doublePass, singlePassG, doublePassG

from ..utils.checkDolfinVersion import dlversion
from ..utils.random import parRandom

from .expression import code_Mollifier

[docs]class _RinvM: """ Operator that models the action of :math:`R^{-1}M`. It is used in the randomized trace estimator. """ def __init__(self, Rsolver, M): self.Rsolver = Rsolver self.M = M
[docs] def init_vector(self,x,dim): self.M.init_vector(x,dim)
[docs] def mult(self,x,y): self.Rsolver.solve(y, self.M*x)
[docs]class _Prior: """ Abstract class to describe the prior model. Concrete instances of a :code:`_Prior class` should expose the following attributes and methods. Attributes: - :code:`R`: an operator to apply the regularization/precision operator. - :code:`Rsolver`: an operator to apply the inverse of the regularization/precision operator. - :code:`M`: the mass matrix in the control space. - :code:`mean`: the prior mean. Methods: - :code:`init_vector(self,x,dim)`: Inizialize a vector :code:`x` to be compatible with the range/domain of :code:`R` If :code:`dim == "noise"` inizialize :code:`x` to be compatible with the size of white noise used for sampling. - :code:`sample(self, noise, s, add_mean=True)`: Given :code:`noise` :math:`\\sim \\mathcal{N}(0, I)` compute a sample s from the prior. If :code:`add_mean==True` add the prior mean value to :code:`s`. """
[docs] def trace(self, method="Exact", tol=1e-1, min_iter=20, max_iter=100, r = 200): """ Compute/estimate the trace of the prior covariance operator. - If :code:`method=="Exact"` we compute the trace exactly by summing the diagonal entries of :math:`R^{-1}M`. This requires to solve :math:`n` linear system in :math:`R` (not scalable, but ok for illustration purposes). - If :code:`method=="Estimator"` use the trace estimator algorithms implemeted in the class :code:`TraceEstimator`. :code:`tol` is a relative bound on the estimator standard deviation. In particular, we used enough samples in the Estimator such that the standard deviation of the estimator is less then :code:`tol`:math:`tr(\\mbox{Prior})`. :code:`min_iter` and :code:`max_iter` are the lower and upper bound on the number of samples to be used for the estimation of the trace. """ op = _RinvM(self.Rsolver, self.M) if method == "Exact": marginal_variance = dl.Vector(self.R.mpi_comm()) self.init_vector(marginal_variance,0) get_diagonal(op, marginal_variance) return marginal_variance.sum() elif method == "Estimator": tr_estimator = TraceEstimator(op, False, tol) tr_exp, tr_var = tr_estimator(min_iter, max_iter) return tr_exp elif method == "Randomized": dummy = dl.Vector(self.R.mpi_comm()) self.init_vector(dummy,0) Omega = MultiVector(dummy, r) parRandom.normal(1., Omega) d, _ = doublePassG(Solver2Operator(self.Rsolver), Solver2Operator(self.Msolver), Operator2Solver(self.M), Omega, r, s = 1, check = False ) return d.sum() else: raise NameError("Unknown method")
[docs] def pointwise_variance(self, method, k = 1000000, r = 200): """ Compute/estimate the prior pointwise variance. - If :code:`method=="Exact"` we compute the diagonal entries of :math:`R^{-1}` entry by entry. This requires to solve :math:`n` linear system in :math:`R` (not scalable, but ok for illustration purposes). """ pw_var = dl.Vector(self.R.mpi_comm()) self.init_vector(pw_var,0) if method == "Exact": get_diagonal(Solver2Operator(self.Rsolver, init_vector=self.init_vector), pw_var) elif method == "Estimator": estimate_diagonal_inv2(self.Rsolver, k, pw_var) elif method == "Randomized": Omega = MultiVector(pw_var, r) parRandom.normal(1., Omega) d, U = doublePass(Solver2Operator(self.Rsolver), Omega, r, s = 1, check = False ) for i in np.arange(U.nvec()): pw_var.axpy(d[i], U[i]*U[i]) else: raise NameError("Unknown method") return pw_var
[docs] def cost(self,m): d = self.mean.copy() d.axpy(-1., m) Rd = dl.Vector(self.R.mpi_comm()) self.init_vector(Rd,0) self.R.mult(d,Rd) return .5*Rd.inner(d)
[docs] def grad(self,m, out): d = m.copy() d.axpy(-1., self.mean) self.R.mult(d,out)
[docs] def init_vector(self,x,dim): raise NotImplementedError("Child class should implement method init_vector")
[docs] def sample(self, noise, s, add_mean=True): raise NotImplementedError("Child class should implement method sample")
[docs]class LaplacianPrior(_Prior): """ This class implements a prior model with covariance matrix :math:`C = (\\delta I - \\gamma \\Delta) ^ {-1}`. The magnitude of :math:`\\gamma` governs the variance of the samples, while the ratio :math:`\\frac{\\gamma}{\\delta}` governs the correlation length. .. note:: :math:`C` is a trace class operator only in 1D while it is not a valid prior in 2D and 3D. """ def __init__(self, Vh, gamma, delta, mean=None, rel_tol=1e-12, max_iter=100): """ Construct the prior model. Input: - :code:`Vh`: the finite element space for the parameter - :code:`gamma` and :code:`delta`: the coefficient in the PDE - :code:`Theta`: the SPD tensor for anisotropic diffusion of the PDE - :code:`mean`: the prior mean """ assert delta != 0., "Intrinsic Gaussian Prior are not supported" self.Vh = Vh trial = dl.TrialFunction(Vh) test = dl.TestFunction(Vh) varfL = dl.inner(dl.nabla_grad(trial), dl.nabla_grad(test))*dl.dx varfM = dl.inner(trial,test)*dl.dx self.M = dl.assemble(varfM) self.R = dl.assemble(gamma*varfL + delta*varfM) if dlversion() <= (1,6,0): self.Rsolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver("cg", amg_method()) else: self.Rsolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver(self.Vh.mesh().mpi_comm(), "cg", amg_method()) self.Rsolver.set_operator(self.R) self.Rsolver.parameters["maximum_iterations"] = max_iter self.Rsolver.parameters["relative_tolerance"] = rel_tol self.Rsolver.parameters["error_on_nonconvergence"] = True self.Rsolver.parameters["nonzero_initial_guess"] = False if dlversion() <= (1,6,0): self.Msolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver("cg", "jacobi") else: self.Msolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver(self.Vh.mesh().mpi_comm(), "cg", "jacobi") self.Msolver.set_operator(self.M) self.Msolver.parameters["maximum_iterations"] = max_iter self.Msolver.parameters["relative_tolerance"] = rel_tol self.Msolver.parameters["error_on_nonconvergence"] = True self.Msolver.parameters["nonzero_initial_guess"] = False ndim = Vh.mesh().geometry().dim() old_qr = dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = -1 qdegree = 2* metadata = {"quadrature_degree" : qdegree} if dlversion() >= (2017,1,0): representation_old = dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "quadrature" if dlversion() <= (1,6,0): Qh = dl.VectorFunctionSpace(Vh.mesh(), 'Quadrature', qdegree, dim=(ndim+1) ) else: element = dl.VectorElement("Quadrature", Vh.mesh().ufl_cell(), qdegree, dim=(ndim+1), quad_scheme="default") Qh = dl.FunctionSpace(Vh.mesh(), element) ph = dl.TrialFunction(Qh) qh = dl.TestFunction(Qh) pph = dl.split(ph) Mqh = dl.assemble(dl.inner(ph, qh)*dl.dx(metadata = metadata)) ones = dl.Vector(self.R.mpi_comm()) Mqh.init_vector(ones,0) ones.set_local( np.ones(ones.get_local().shape, dtype =ones.get_local().dtype ) ) dMqh = Mqh*ones dMqh.set_local( ones.get_local() / np.sqrt(dMqh.get_local() ) ) Mqh.set_diagonal(dMqh) sqrtdelta = math.sqrt(delta) sqrtgamma = math.sqrt(gamma) varfGG = sqrtdelta*pph[0]*test*dl.dx(metadata = metadata) for i in range(ndim): varfGG = varfGG + sqrtgamma*pph[i+1]*test.dx(i)*dl.dx(metadata = metadata) GG = dl.assemble(varfGG) self.sqrtR = MatMatMult(GG, Mqh) dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = old_qr if dlversion() >= (2017,1,0): dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = representation_old self.mean = mean if self.mean is None: self.mean = dl.Vector(self.R.mpi_comm()) self.init_vector(self.mean, 0)
[docs] def init_vector(self,x,dim): """ Inizialize a vector :code:`x` to be compatible with the range/domain of :math:`R`. If :code:`dim == "noise"` inizialize :code:`x` to be compatible with the size of white noise used for sampling. """ if dim == "noise": self.sqrtR.init_vector(x,1) else: self.R.init_vector(x,dim)
[docs] def sample(self, noise, s, add_mean=True): """ Given :code:`noise` :math:`\\sim \\mathcal{N}(0, I)` compute a sample :code:`s` from the prior. If :code:`add_mean == True` add the prior mean value to :code:`s`. """ rhs = self.sqrtR*noise self.Rsolver.solve(s,rhs) if add_mean: s.axpy(1., self.mean)
[docs]class _BilaplacianR: """ Operator that represent the action of the regularization/precision matrix for the Bilaplacian prior. """ def __init__(self, A, Msolver): self.A = A self.Msolver = Msolver self.help1, self.help2 = dl.Vector(self.A.mpi_comm()), dl.Vector(self.A.mpi_comm()) self.A.init_vector(self.help1, 0) self.A.init_vector(self.help2, 1)
[docs] def init_vector(self,x, dim): self.A.init_vector(x,1)
[docs] def mpi_comm(self): return self.A.mpi_comm()
[docs] def inner(self,x,y): Rx = dl.Vector(self.A.mpi_comm()) self.init_vector(Rx,0) self.mult(x, Rx) return Rx.inner(y)
[docs] def mult(self,x,y): self.A.mult(x, self.help1) self.Msolver.solve(self.help2, self.help1) self.A.mult(self.help2, y)
[docs]class _BilaplacianRsolver(): """ Operator that represent the action of the inverse the regularization/precision matrix for the Bilaplacian prior. """ def __init__(self, Asolver, M): self.Asolver = Asolver self.M = M self.help1, self.help2 = dl.Vector(self.M.mpi_comm()), dl.Vector(self.M.mpi_comm()) self.init_vector(self.help1, 0) self.init_vector(self.help2, 0)
[docs] def init_vector(self,x, dim): self.M.init_vector(x,1)
[docs] def solve(self,x,b): nit = self.Asolver.solve(self.help1, b) self.M.mult(self.help1, self.help2) nit += self.Asolver.solve(x, self.help2) return nit
[docs]class BiLaplacianPrior(_Prior): """ This class implement a prior model with covariance matrix :math:`C = (\\delta I + \\gamma \\mbox{div } \\Theta \\nabla) ^ {-2}`. The magnitude of :math:`\\delta\\gamma` governs the variance of the samples, while the ratio :math:`\\frac{\\gamma}{\\delta}` governs the correlation lenght. Here :math:`\\Theta` is a SPD tensor that models anisotropy in the covariance kernel. """ def __init__(self, Vh, gamma, delta, Theta = None, mean=None, rel_tol=1e-12, max_iter=1000, robin_bc=False): """ Construct the prior model. Input: - :code:`Vh`: the finite element space for the parameter - :code:`gamma` and :code:`delta`: the coefficient in the PDE - :code:`Theta`: the SPD tensor for anisotropic diffusion of the PDE - :code:`mean`: the prior mean """ assert delta != 0., "Intrinsic Gaussian Prior are not supported" self.Vh = Vh trial = dl.TrialFunction(Vh) test = dl.TestFunction(Vh) if Theta == None: varfL = dl.inner(dl.nabla_grad(trial), dl.nabla_grad(test))*dl.dx else: varfL = dl.inner( Theta*dl.grad(trial), dl.grad(test))*dl.dx varfM = dl.inner(trial,test)*dl.dx varf_robin = trial*test*dl.ds if robin_bc: robin_coeff = gamma*np.sqrt(delta/gamma)/1.42 else: robin_coeff = 0. self.M = dl.assemble(varfM) if dlversion() <= (1,6,0): self.Msolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver("cg", "jacobi") else: self.Msolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver(self.Vh.mesh().mpi_comm(), "cg", "jacobi") self.Msolver.set_operator(self.M) self.Msolver.parameters["maximum_iterations"] = max_iter self.Msolver.parameters["relative_tolerance"] = rel_tol self.Msolver.parameters["error_on_nonconvergence"] = True self.Msolver.parameters["nonzero_initial_guess"] = False self.A = dl.assemble(gamma*varfL + delta*varfM + robin_coeff*varf_robin) if dlversion() <= (1,6,0): self.Asolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver("cg", amg_method()) else: self.Asolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver(self.Vh.mesh().mpi_comm(), "cg", amg_method()) self.Asolver.set_operator(self.A) self.Asolver.parameters["maximum_iterations"] = max_iter self.Asolver.parameters["relative_tolerance"] = rel_tol self.Asolver.parameters["error_on_nonconvergence"] = True self.Asolver.parameters["nonzero_initial_guess"] = False old_qr = dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = -1 qdegree = 2* metadata = {"quadrature_degree" : qdegree} if dlversion() >= (2017,1,0): representation_old = dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "quadrature" if dlversion() <= (1,6,0): Qh = dl.FunctionSpace(Vh.mesh(), 'Quadrature', qdegree) else: element = dl.FiniteElement("Quadrature", Vh.mesh().ufl_cell(), qdegree, quad_scheme="default") Qh = dl.FunctionSpace(Vh.mesh(), element) ph = dl.TrialFunction(Qh) qh = dl.TestFunction(Qh) Mqh = dl.assemble(ph*qh*dl.dx(metadata=metadata)) ones = dl.interpolate(dl.Constant(1.), Qh).vector() dMqh = Mqh*ones dMqh.set_local( ones.get_local() / np.sqrt(dMqh.get_local() ) ) Mqh.set_diagonal(dMqh) MixedM = dl.assemble(ph*test*dl.dx(metadata=metadata)) self.sqrtM = MatMatMult(MixedM, Mqh) dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = old_qr if dlversion() >= (2017,1,0): dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = representation_old self.R = _BilaplacianR(self.A, self.Msolver) self.Rsolver = _BilaplacianRsolver(self.Asolver, self.M) self.mean = mean if self.mean is None: self.mean = dl.Vector(self.R.mpi_comm()) self.init_vector(self.mean, 0)
[docs] def init_vector(self,x,dim): """ Inizialize a vector :code:`x` to be compatible with the range/domain of :math:`R`. If :code:`dim == "noise"` inizialize :code:`x` to be compatible with the size of white noise used for sampling. """ if dim == "noise": self.sqrtM.init_vector(x, 1) else: self.A.init_vector(x,dim)
[docs] def sample(self, noise, s, add_mean=True): """ Given :code:`noise` :math:`\\sim \\mathcal{N}(0, I)` compute a sample :code:`s` from the prior. If :code:`add_mean == True` add the prior mean value to :code:`s`. """ rhs = self.sqrtM*noise self.Asolver.solve(s, rhs) if add_mean: s.axpy(1., self.mean)
[docs]class MollifiedBiLaplacianPrior(_Prior): """ This class implement a prior model with covariance matrix :math:`C = \\left( [\\delta + \\mbox{pen} \\sum_i m(x - x_i) ] I + \\gamma \\mbox{div } \\Theta \\nabla\\right) ^ {-2}`, where - :math:`\\Theta` is a SPD tensor that models anisotropy in the covariance kernel. - :math:`x_i (i=1,...,n)` are points were we assume to know exactly the value of the parameter (i.e., :math:`m(x_i) = m_{\\mbox{true}}( x_i) \\mbox{ for } i=1,...,n).` - :math:`m` is the mollifier function: :math:`m(x - x_i) = \\exp\\left( - \\left[\\frac{\\gamma}{\\delta}\\| x - x_i \\|_{\\Theta^{-1}}\\right]^{\\mbox{order}} \\right).` - :code:`pen` is a penalization parameter. The magnitude of :math:`\\delta \\gamma` governs the variance of the samples, while the ratio :math:`\\frac{\\gamma}{\\delta}` governs the correlation length. The prior mean is computed by solving .. math:: \\left( [\\delta + \\sum_i m(x - x_i) ] I + \\gamma \\mbox{div } \\Theta \\nabla \\right) m = \\sum_i m(x - x_i) m_{\\mbox{true}}. """ def __init__(self, Vh, gamma, delta, locations, m_true, Theta = None, pen = 1e1, order=2, rel_tol=1e-12, max_iter=1000): """ Construct the prior model. Input: - :code:`Vh`: the finite element space for the parameter - :code:`gamma` and :code:`delta`: the coefficients in the PDE - :code:`locations`: the points :math:`x_i` at which we assume to know the true value of the parameter - :code:`m_true`: the true model - :code:`Theta`: the SPD tensor for anisotropic diffusion of the PDE - :code:`pen`: a penalization parameter for the mollifier """ assert delta != 0. or pen != 0, "Intrinsic Gaussian Prior are not supported" self.Vh = Vh trial = dl.TrialFunction(Vh) test = dl.TestFunction(Vh) if Theta == None: varfL = dl.inner(dl.nabla_grad(trial), dl.nabla_grad(test))*dl.dx else: varfL = dl.inner(Theta*dl.grad(trial), dl.grad(test))*dl.dx varfM = dl.inner(trial,test)*dl.dx self.M = dl.assemble(varfM) if dlversion() <= (1,6,0): self.Msolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver("cg", "jacobi") else: self.Msolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver(self.Vh.mesh().mpi_comm(), "cg", "jacobi") self.Msolver.set_operator(self.M) self.Msolver.parameters["maximum_iterations"] = max_iter self.Msolver.parameters["relative_tolerance"] = rel_tol self.Msolver.parameters["error_on_nonconvergence"] = True self.Msolver.parameters["nonzero_initial_guess"] = False #mfun = Mollifier(gamma/delta, dl.inv(Theta), order, locations) mfun = dl.Expression(code_Mollifier, degree = Vh.ufl_element().degree()+2) mfun.l = gamma/delta mfun.o = order mfun.theta0 = 1./Theta.theta0 mfun.theta1 = 1./Theta.theta1 mfun.alpha = Theta.alpha for ii in range(locations.shape[0]): mfun.addLocation(locations[ii,0], locations[ii,1]) varfmo = mfun*dl.inner(trial,test)*dl.dx MO = dl.assemble(pen*varfmo) self.A = dl.assemble(gamma*varfL+delta*varfM + pen*varfmo) if dlversion() <= (1,6,0): self.Asolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver("cg", amg_method()) else: self.Asolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver(self.Vh.mesh().mpi_comm(), "cg", amg_method()) self.Asolver.set_operator(self.A) self.Asolver.parameters["maximum_iterations"] = max_iter self.Asolver.parameters["relative_tolerance"] = rel_tol self.Asolver.parameters["error_on_nonconvergence"] = True self.Asolver.parameters["nonzero_initial_guess"] = False old_qr = dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = -1 qdegree = 2* metadata = {"quadrature_degree" : qdegree} if dlversion() >= (2017,1,0): representation_old = dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "quadrature" if dlversion() <= (1,6,0): Qh = dl.FunctionSpace(Vh.mesh(), 'Quadrature', qdegree) else: element = dl.FiniteElement("Quadrature", Vh.mesh().ufl_cell(), qdegree, quad_scheme="default") Qh = dl.FunctionSpace(Vh.mesh(), element) ph = dl.TrialFunction(Qh) qh = dl.TestFunction(Qh) Mqh = dl.assemble(ph*qh*dl.dx(metadata=metadata)) ones = dl.interpolate(dl.Constant(1.), Qh).vector() dMqh = Mqh*ones dMqh.set_local( ones.get_local() / np.sqrt(dMqh.get_local() ) ) Mqh.set_diagonal(dMqh) MixedM = dl.assemble(ph*test*dl.dx(metadata=metadata)) self.sqrtM = MatMatMult(MixedM, Mqh) dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = old_qr if dlversion() >= (2017,1,0): dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = representation_old self.R = _BilaplacianR(self.A, self.Msolver) self.Rsolver = _BilaplacianRsolver(self.Asolver, self.M) rhs = dl.Vector(self.R.mpi_comm()) self.mean = dl.Vector(self.R.mpi_comm()) self.init_vector(rhs, 0) self.init_vector(self.mean, 0) MO.mult(m_true, rhs) self.Asolver.solve(self.mean, rhs)
[docs] def init_vector(self,x,dim): """ Inizialize a vector :code:`x` to be compatible with the range/domain of :math:`R`. If :code:`dim == "noise"` inizialize :code:`x` to be compatible with the size of white noise used for sampling. """ if dim == "noise": self.sqrtM.init_vector(x, 1) else: self.A.init_vector(x,dim)
[docs] def sample(self, noise, s, add_mean=True): """ Given :code:`noise` :math:`\\sim \\mathcal{N}(0, I)` compute a sample :code:`s` from the prior. If :code:`add_mean == True` add the prior mean value to :code:`s`. """ rhs = self.sqrtM*noise self.Asolver.solve(s, rhs) if add_mean: s.axpy(1., self.mean)