Source code for hippylib.algorithms.linalg

# Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The University of Texas at Austin 
# & University of California, Merced.
# All Rights reserved.
# See file COPYRIGHT for details.
# This file is part of the hIPPYlib library. For more information and source code
# availability see
# hIPPYlib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by the Free
# Software Foundation) version 2.0 dated June 1991.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from dolfin import compile_extension_module, Vector, PETScKrylovSolver, MPI, la_index_dtype, mpi_comm_world
from ..utils.random import parRandom
import os
import numpy as np

[docs]def amg_method(): """ Determine which AMG preconditioner to use. If avaialable use ML, which is faster than the PETSc one. """ S = PETScKrylovSolver() for pp in S.preconditioners(): if pp[0] == 'ml_amg': return 'ml_amg' return 'petsc_amg'
abspath = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__) ) source_directory = os.path.join(abspath,"cpp_linalg") header_file = open(os.path.join(source_directory,"linalg.h"), "r") code = header_file.close() cpp_sources = ["linalg.cpp"] include_dirs = [".", source_directory] for ss in ['PROFILE_INSTALL_DIR', 'PETSC_DIR', 'SLEPC_DIR']: if ss in os.environ.keys(): include_dirs.append(os.environ[ss]+'/include') cpp_module = compile_extension_module( code=code, source_directory=source_directory, sources=cpp_sources, include_dirs=include_dirs)
[docs]def MatMatMult(A,B): """ Compute the matrix-matrix product :math:`AB`. """ s = cpp_module.cpp_linalg() return s.MatMatMult(A,B)
[docs]def MatPtAP(A,P): """ Compute the triple matrix product :math:`P^T A P`. """ s = cpp_module.cpp_linalg() return s.MatPtAP(A,P)
[docs]def MatAtB(A,B): """ Compute the matrix-matrix product :math:`A^T B`. """ s = cpp_module.cpp_linalg() return s.MatAtB(A,B)
[docs]def Transpose(A): """ Compute the matrix transpose """ s = cpp_module.cpp_linalg() return s.Transpose(A)
[docs]def SetToOwnedGid(v, gid, val): s = cpp_module.cpp_linalg() s.SetToOwnedGid(v, gid, val)
[docs]def GetFromOwnedGid(v, gid): s = cpp_module.cpp_linalg() return s.GetFromOwnedGid(v, gid)
[docs]def to_dense(A, mpi_comm = mpi_comm_world() ): """ Convert a sparse matrix A to dense. For debugging only. """ v = Vector(mpi_comm) A.init_vector(v) nprocs = MPI.size(mpi_comm) if nprocs > 1: raise Exception("to_dense is only serial") if hasattr(A, "getrow"): n = A.size(0) m = A.size(1) B = np.zeros( (n,m), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(0,n): [j, val] = A.getrow(i) B[i,j] = val return B else: x = Vector(mpi_comm) Ax = Vector(mpi_comm) A.init_vector(x,1) A.init_vector(Ax,0) n = Ax.get_local().shape[0] m = x.get_local().shape[0] B = np.zeros( (n,m), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(0,m): i_ind = np.array([i], dtype=np.intc) x.set_local(np.ones(i_ind.shape), i_ind) x.apply("sum_values") A.mult(x,Ax) B[:,i] = Ax.get_local() x.set_local(np.zeros(i_ind.shape), i_ind) x.apply("sum_values") return B
[docs]def trace(A, mpi_comm = mpi_comm_world() ): """ Compute the trace of a sparse matrix :math:`A`. """ v = Vector(mpi_comm) A.init_vector(v) nprocs = MPI.size(mpi_comm) if nprocs > 1: raise Exception("trace is only serial") n = A.size(0) tr = 0. for i in range(0,n): [j, val] = A.getrow(i) tr += val[j == i] return tr
[docs]def get_diagonal(A, d): """ Compute the diagonal of the square operator :math:`A`. Use :code:`Solver2Operator` if :math:`A^{-1}` is needed. """ ej, xj = Vector(d.mpi_comm()), Vector(d.mpi_comm()) A.init_vector(ej,1) A.init_vector(xj,0) g_size = ej.size() for gid in range(g_size): owns_gid = ej.owns_index(gid) if owns_gid: SetToOwnedGid(ej, gid, 1.) ej.apply("insert") A.mult(ej,xj) if owns_gid: val = GetFromOwnedGid(xj, gid) SetToOwnedGid(d, gid, val) SetToOwnedGid(ej, gid, 0.) ej.apply("insert") d.apply("insert")
[docs]def estimate_diagonal_inv2(Asolver, k, d): """ An unbiased stochastic estimator for the diagonal of :math:`A^{-1}`. :math:`d = [ \sum_{j=1}^k v_j .* A^{-1} v_j ] ./ [ \sum_{j=1}^k v_j .* v_j ]` where - :math:`v_j` are i.i.d. :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, I)` - :math:`.*` and :math:`./` represent the element-wise multiplication and division of vectors, respectively. Reference: `Costas Bekas, Effrosyni Kokiopoulou, and Yousef Saad, An estimator for the diagonal of a matrix, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 57 (2007), pp. 1214-1229.` """ x, b = Vector(d.mpi_comm()), Vector(d.mpi_comm()) if hasattr(Asolver, "init_vector"): Asolver.init_vector(x,1) Asolver.init_vector(b,0) else: Asolver.get_operator().init_vector(x,1) Asolver.get_operator().init_vector(b,0) for i in range(k): parRandom.normal(1., b) Asolver.solve(x,b) x *= b d.axpy(1./float(k), x)
[docs]class DiagonalOperator: def __init__(self, d): self.d = d
[docs] def init_vector(self,x,dim): x.init(self.d.local_range())
[docs] def mult(self,x,y): tmp = self.d*x y.axpy(1., x)
[docs] def inner(self,x,y): tmp = self.d*y return x.inner(tmp)
[docs]class Solver2Operator: def __init__(self,S,mpi_comm=mpi_comm_world(), init_vector = None): self.S = S self.tmp = Vector(mpi_comm) self.my_init_vector = init_vector if self.my_init_vector is None: if hasattr(self.S, "init_vector"): self.my_init_vector = self.S.init_vector elif hasattr(self.S, "operator"): self.my_init_vector = self.S.operator().init_vector elif hasattr(self.S, "get_operator"): self.my_init_vector = self.S.get_operator().init_vector
[docs] def init_vector(self, x, dim): if self.my_init_vector: self.my_init_vector(x,dim) else: raise NotImplementedError("Solver2Operator.init_vector")
[docs] def mult(self,x,y): self.S.solve(y,x)
[docs] def inner(self, x, y): self.S.solve(self.tmp,y) return self.tmp.inner(x)
[docs]class Operator2Solver: def __init__(self,op, mpi_comm=mpi_comm_world()): self.op = op self.tmp = Vector(mpi_comm)
[docs] def init_vector(self, x, dim): if hasattr(self.op, "init_vector"): self.op.init_vector(x,dim) else: raise
[docs] def solve(self,y,x): self.op.mult(x,y)
[docs] def inner(self, x, y): self.op.mult(y,self.tmp) return self.tmp.inner(x)