
Inverse Problem PYthon library
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hIPPYlib depends on FEniCS version 1.6 or above. The suggested version of FEniCS to use with hIPPYlib is 2017.2.

FEniCS needs to be built with the following dependecies:

  • numpy, scipy, matplotlib
  • PETSc and petsc4py (version 3.7.0 or above)
  • SLEPc and slepc4py (version 3.7.0 or above)
  • PETSc dependencies: parmetis, scotch, suitesparse, superlu_dist, ml
  • (optional): mshr, jupyter

Run FEniCS from Docker (Linux, MacOS, Windows)

An easy way to run FEniCS is to use their prebuilt Docker images.

First you will need to install Docker on your system. MacOS and Windows users should preferably use Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows — if it is compatible with their system — instead of the legacy version Docker Toolbox.

Among the many docker’s workflow discussed here, we suggest using the Jupyter notebookone.

Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows and Linux users (Setup and first use instructions)

We first create a new Docker container to run the jupyter-notebook command and to expose port 8888. From a command line shell, go to the hippylib folder and type:

docker run --name hippylib-nb -w /home/fenics/hippylib -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/hippylib -d -p 'jupyter-notebook --ip='
docker logs hippylib-nb

The notebook will be available at http://localhost:8888/?token=<security_token_for_first_time_connection> in your web browser. From there you can run the interactive notebooks or create a new shell (directly from your browser) to run python scripts.

Docker Toolbox users on Mac/Windows (Setup and first use instructions)

Docker Toolbox is for older Mac and Windows systems that do not meet the requirements of Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows. Docker Toolbox will first create a lightweight linux virtual machine on your system and run docker from the virtual machine. This has implications on the workflow presented above.

We first create a new Docker container to run the jupyter-notebook command and to expose port 8888 on the virtual machine. From a command line shell, go to the hippylib folder and type:

docker run --name hippylib-nb -w /home/fenics/hippylib -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/hippylib -d -p $(docker-machine ip $(docker-machine active)):8888:8888 'jupyter-notebook --ip='
docker logs hippylib-nb

To find out the IP of the virtual machine we type:

docker-machine ip $(docker-machine active)

The notebook will be available at http://<ip-of-virtual-machine>:8888/?token=<security_token_for_first_time_connection> in your web browser. From there you can run the interactive notebooks or create a new shell (directly from your browser) to run python scripts.

Subsequent uses

The docker container will continue to run in the background until we stop it:

docker stop hippylib-nb

To start it again just run:

docker start hippylib-nb

If you would like to see the log output from the Jupyter notebook server (e.g. if you need the security token) type:

docker logs hippylib-nb

Install FEniCS from Conda (Linux or MacOS)

To use the prebuilt Anaconda Python packages (Linux and Mac only), first install Anaconda, then run following commands in your terminal:

conda create -n fenicsproject -c conda-forge fenics=2017.2.0
source activate fenicsproject

Build FEniCS from source using hashdist (Linux and MacOS 10.12 or below)

To build FEniCS from source we suggest using the scripts and profile files in fenics-hashdist. These scripts and profile files contain small modifications with respect to the ones provided by the FEniCS community to ensure that all the dependencies needed by hIPPYlib are installed.

See fenics-hashdist/ for further details.

Other ways to build FEniCS

For instructions on other ways to build FEniCS, we refer to the FEniCS project download page. Note that this instructions always refer to the latest version of FEniCS which may or may not be yet supported by hIPPYlib. Always check the hIPPYlib website for supported FEniCS versions.

Build the hIPPYlib documentation using Sphinx

To build the documentation you need to have sphinx (tested on v.1.7.5), m2r and sphinx_rtd_theme - all of these can be installed via pip.

To build simply run make html from doc folder.