hippylib package

Module contents

hIPPYlib implements state-of-the-art scalable algorithms for PDE-based deterministic and Bayesian inverse problems. It builds on FEniCS (http://fenicsproject.org/) (a parallel finite element element library) for the discretization of the PDE and on PETSc (http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/) for scalable and efficient linear algebra operations and solvers.

For building instructions, see the file INSTALL. Copyright information and licensing restrictions can be found in the file COPYRIGHT.

The best starting point for new users interested in hIPPYlib’s features are the interactive tutorials in the notebooks folder.

Conceptually, hIPPYlib can be viewed as a toolbox that provides the building blocks for experimenting new ideas and developing scalable algorithms for PDE-based deterministic and Bayesian inverse problems.